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Videoita yhteensä: 497
IS EVERYTHING OK? GIA PAIGE'S FIRST DP. WRITTEN BY GIA PAIGE SCENE OPENS on Sue, a middle-aged woman, as she finishes a phone call with a friend. Speaking in soft, reassuring tones, she tells the other end of the line to stay calm. Of course, they will be happy to have her daughter come and stay for a while during the separation. She knows how hard divorce be. Besides, Tiffany and her boys have always got along. She gets off the phone and, taking a deep breath, calls out to her two sons to join her for a family meeting. Dave and Mike still live at home, despite being grown men. They have it easy here, with their dotting mom, a big house, and few responsibilities. When Sue enters the living room, she finds them sprawled out on the couch watching television. She sits down and turns the TV off to announce that she has some news. They have a house guest coming today. Tiffany Wilde. Her parents are getting a divorce and her mom needs their help. The boys look at each other. 'Is everything ok with Mrs. Wilde?' Dave asks, concerned. Sue, trying not to seem flustered, replies that the mom simply can't look after Tiffany for a while. She needs to take of herself first. So, that's why they are going to help by taking Tiffany in. 'Absolutely,' Mike says. 'What do you need us to do mom?' Sue hugs her sons and then begins to pace around the room, explaining everything that they need to do to get ready for the girl's arrival. As she spits out instructions, the boys slowly glance at each other one more time. CUT to Tiffany driving in the back seat of a car, her bags beside her. She sits silently, her eyes glazed over with tears, as she stares out the window. She looks so lost. CUT TO TITLE PLATE Two weeks later. Sue watches out the kitchen window as Tiffany, Dave and Mike run around the back yard. The trio laugh and joke as they horseplay and Sue couldn't feel more relieved. She sneaks a photo to send to Diane, texting the woman that her daughter feels much better now. It's nice that she can have some space while everything gets sorted. CUT to outside. As the trio wrestle and laugh, it all seems innocent until Mike pulls Tiffany down on his lap. She wriggles to get out, still laughing, but the camera lingers on his face as we see his expression change into something more serious. The next day. Tiffany, Dave and Mike are watching TV and eating chips when Sue comes down the stairs with an overnight bag. 'My rideshare is here!' She says. Dave leaps up to help. 'Are you sure one of us can't just drive you to the airport, mom?' He asks. She tells him to relax, it's a quick drive and she'll only be gone for the weekend. She says goodbye to everyone and leaves the trio alone. They get back to watching TV and Dave nonchalantly puts his arm around Tiffany. She notices but snuggles into him anyway, because he's always been like a big brother to her. She feels so safe. CUT to the bathroom that night. Tiffany is sitting in the tub when Mike unexpectedly comes in. At first, she covers herself, embarrassed to be seen naked, but he shrugs it off. 'Chill! I just have to take a piss,' he says calmly. 'It's not like I've never seen you naked before!' Tiffany looks down at her body awkwardly. She doesn't know what to do or say and Mike picks up on this. '...At the lake, remember? Growing up? All those summer vacations our families took together?' Tiffany can't help but start thinking about the past and her eyes well up. 'That's right ...' she replies, trailing off. Mike washes his hands and, noticing the change in her disposition, sits down next to the tub. 'Is everything ok?' He asks. Tiffany breaks down and, through her tears, admits why she is really staying at their house. Her father is an alcoholic. For many years, they just dealt with it privately. Dad would spend all his free time drinking in the back with his buddies. Mom would manage. But, then he stopped working. And he started getting violent. And then he bailed, ran off with another woman. Mom tried to kill herself over it. That's why Sue took her in. Mom's still in the psych ward for evaluation. They're not sure if she'll ever get better. By the end of her confession, Tiffany is sobbing so hard that Mike reaches over and gives her a big hug. At first, it seems completely genuine, but Mike does not let go and, instead, starts to slide his hands further down Tiffany's naked back. She is so distressed about everything that she doesn't really notice. In fact, she hugs him back tightly as he comforts her. 'You know, Dave and I will always be here for you,' he says. 'We will always take care of you!' The camera lingers on his face, as he sneaks a look down at the naked girl in his arms. CUT to Tiffany's bedroom. She is just getting into bed when Dave knocks on the door, asking if he can come in. He doesn't want to intrude but Mike told him a little bit about what had happened in the bathroom and he just wanted to check on her. Blushing, Tiffany beckons him over and gives him a hug. 'Thank you for always being so sweet to me,' she says. 'Both you and your brother. I don't know what I'd do without you two!' Dave comforts her, telling her how much they love and appreciate her here. His hands start running all over her body and, after a few increasingly awkward moments, he leans in and tries to kiss her on the mouth. Tiffany backs up, confused and freaked out. 'Why did you do that, Dave?' She whispers. Dave starts getting defensive. He tells her that he was only responding to what she was doing to him. Her body language was practically begging for it. 'You were comforting me!' She replies, her voice raising. 'No, I wasn't' Dave retorts, yelling back. 'I was just doing what you wanted. You obviously wanted me to kiss you. You've been leading me on for weeks now, ever since you got here!' Mike runs into the room to see what's going on. Before Tiffany can really say anything, Dave cuts in to explain that she is suddenly playing the victim card, despite hitting on them both for weeks. 'I can't believe you would be a bitch like this,' Mike starts yelling at her. 'We have been nothing but kind and supportive and this is how you repay us? Like you're too good for us?!' Tiffany is floored, her eyes welling up in shock as Mike continues to berate her. 'You know why your mom really dropped you off, right? Because she wanted to bail on you too, just like your dad!' Tiffany starts to cry. 'It's obvious,' Dave adds, 'they don't love you. Nobody loves you!' The brothers start to laugh and joke, adding to the tension in the room. They notice Tiffany in tears and switch gears, swooping in on either side of her. 'I hate to tell you,' Mike continues. 'But your mom isn't coming back. She's going to be in that hospital for years!' They shepherd her over to her bed. 'And even though you're 18 now, you know that you have nowhere else to go,' Dave says. 'Don't you think you should be a little nicer to us? We're like your older brothers, after all!' She looks at them, wiping her eyes. 'You are like my brothers,' she pleads. 'So, I don't know why you are being so mean to me all of a sudden!' Mike rubs her shoulder, as she cringes at the touch. 'We just want to know why you're acting like this now?' He says, in a condescending voice. 'You were totally fine when I was hugging you ... naked ... in the bath.' Tiffany tries to explain but Dave cuts her off. 'I think,' he says, joining his brother in touching the girl. 'That deep down inside you might actually like this ... you are clearly longing for attention, you're just too scared to admit it!' Both brothers berate her, bullying her, egging her on to just admit that she liked their attention and was even feeding into it. At first, she denies it, but they don't let up. They keep going back and forth, manipulating her and pointing out all the instances over the last few weeks that she supposedly flirted with them. They try to make her feel guilty for leading them on. Eventually, she caves and admits that she liked their attention. She's lonely and scared. They made her feel safe. That's why she acted the way she did. She thought they were going to take care of her. Seizing this admission, Dave reassures her that they will take care of her. They always will. She just needs to take care of them too. That's what family is for.

IS EVERYTHING OK? GIA PAIGE'S FIRST DP. WRITTEN BY GIA PAIGE SCENE OPENS on Sue, a middle-aged woman, as she finishes a phone call with a friend. Speaking in soft, reassuring tones, she tells the other end of the line to stay calm. Of course, they will be happy to have her daughter come and stay for a while during the separation. She knows how hard divorce be. Besides, Tiffany and her boys have always got along. She gets off the phone and, taking a deep breath, calls out to her two sons to join her for a family meeting. Dave and Mike still live at home, despite being grown men. They have it easy here, with their dotting mom, a big house, and few responsibilities. When Sue enters the living room, she finds them sprawled out on the couch watching television. She sits down and turns the TV off to announce that she has some news. They have a house guest coming today. Tiffany Wilde. Her parents are getting a divorce and her mom needs their help. The boys look at each other. 'Is everything ok with Mrs. Wilde?' Dave asks, concerned. Sue, trying not to seem flustered, replies that the mom simply can't look after Tiffany for a while. She needs to take of herself first. So, that's why they are going to help by taking Tiffany in. 'Absolutely,' Mike says. 'What do you need us to do mom?' Sue hugs her sons and then begins to pace around the room, explaining everything that they need to do to get ready for the girl's arrival. As she spits out instructions, the boys slowly glance at each other one more time. CUT to Tiffany driving in the back seat of a car, her bags beside her. She sits silently, her eyes glazed over with tears, as she stares out the window. She looks so lost. CUT TO TITLE PLATE Two weeks later. Sue watches out the kitchen window as Tiffany, Dave and Mike run around the back yard. The trio laugh and joke as they horseplay and Sue couldn't feel more relieved. She sneaks a photo to send to Diane, texting the woman that her daughter feels much better now. It's nice that she can have some space while everything gets sorted. CUT to outside. As the trio wrestle and laugh, it all seems innocent until Mike pulls Tiffany down on his lap. She wriggles to get out, still laughing, but the camera lingers on his face as we see his expression change into something more serious. The next day. Tiffany, Dave and Mike are watching TV and eating chips when Sue comes down the stairs with an overnight bag. 'My rideshare is here!' She says. Dave leaps up to help. 'Are you sure one of us can't just drive you to the airport, mom?' He asks. She tells him to relax, it's a quick drive and she'll only be gone for the weekend. She says goodbye to everyone and leaves the trio alone. They get back to watching TV and Dave nonchalantly puts his arm around Tiffany. She notices but snuggles into him anyway, because he's always been like a big brother to her. She feels so safe. CUT to the bathroom that night. Tiffany is sitting in the tub when Mike unexpectedly comes in. At first, she covers herself, embarrassed to be seen naked, but he shrugs it off. 'Chill! I just have to take a piss,' he says calmly. 'It's not like I've never seen you naked before!' Tiffany looks down at her body awkwardly. She doesn't know what to do or say and Mike picks up on this. '...At the lake, remember? Growing up? All those summer vacations our families took together?' Tiffany can't help but start thinking about the past and her eyes well up. 'That's right ...' she replies, trailing off. Mike washes his hands and, noticing the change in her disposition, sits down next to the tub. 'Is everything ok?' He asks. Tiffany breaks down and, through her tears, admits why she is really staying at their house. Her father is an alcoholic. For many years, they just dealt with it privately. Dad would spend all his free time drinking in the back with his buddies. Mom would manage. But, then he stopped working. And he started getting violent. And then he bailed, ran off with another woman. Mom tried to kill herself over it. That's why Sue took her in. Mom's still in the psych ward for evaluation. They're not sure if she'll ever get better. By the end of her confession, Tiffany is sobbing so hard that Mike reaches over and gives her a big hug. At first, it seems completely genuine, but Mike does not let go and, instead, starts to slide his hands further down Tiffany's naked back. She is so distressed about everything that she doesn't really notice. In fact, she hugs him back tightly as he comforts her. 'You know, Dave and I will always be here for you,' he says. 'We will always take care of you!' The camera lingers on his face, as he sneaks a look down at the naked girl in his arms. CUT to Tiffany's bedroom. She is just getting into bed when Dave knocks on the door, asking if he can come in. He doesn't want to intrude but Mike told him a little bit about what had happened in the bathroom and he just wanted to check on her. Blushing, Tiffany beckons him over and gives him a hug. 'Thank you for always being so sweet to me,' she says. 'Both you and your brother. I don't know what I'd do without you two!' Dave comforts her, telling her how much they love and appreciate her here. His hands start running all over her body and, after a few increasingly awkward moments, he leans in and tries to kiss her on the mouth. Tiffany backs up, confused and freaked out. 'Why did you do that, Dave?' She whispers. Dave starts getting defensive. He tells her that he was only responding to what she was doing to him. Her body language was practically begging for it. 'You were comforting me!' She replies, her voice raising. 'No, I wasn't' Dave retorts, yelling back. 'I was just doing what you wanted. You obviously wanted me to kiss you. You've been leading me on for weeks now, ever since you got here!' Mike runs into the room to see what's going on. Before Tiffany can really say anything, Dave cuts in to explain that she is suddenly playing the victim card, despite hitting on them both for weeks. 'I can't believe you would be a bitch like this,' Mike starts yelling at her. 'We have been nothing but kind and supportive and this is how you repay us? Like you're too good for us?!' Tiffany is floored, her eyes welling up in shock as Mike continues to berate her. 'You know why your mom really dropped you off, right? Because she wanted to bail on you too, just like your dad!' Tiffany starts to cry. 'It's obvious,' Dave adds, 'they don't love you. Nobody loves you!' The brothers start to laugh and joke, adding to the tension in the room. They notice Tiffany in tears and switch gears, swooping in on either side of her. 'I hate to tell you,' Mike continues. 'But your mom isn't coming back. She's going to be in that hospital for years!' They shepherd her over to her bed. 'And even though you're 18 now, you know that you have nowhere else to go,' Dave says. 'Don't you think you should be a little nicer to us? We're like your older brothers, after all!' She looks at them, wiping her eyes. 'You are like my brothers,' she pleads. 'So, I don't know why you are being so mean to me all of a sudden!' Mike rubs her shoulder, as she cringes at the touch. 'We just want to know why you're acting like this now?' He says, in a condescending voice. 'You were totally fine when I was hugging you ... naked ... in the bath.' Tiffany tries to explain but Dave cuts her off. 'I think,' he says, joining his brother in touching the girl. 'That deep down inside you might actually like this ... you are clearly longing for attention, you're just too scared to admit it!' Both brothers berate her, bullying her, egging her on to just admit that she liked their attention and was even feeding into it. At first, she denies it, but they don't let up. They keep going back and forth, manipulating her and pointing out all the instances over the last few weeks that she supposedly flirted with them. They try to make her feel guilty for leading them on. Eventually, she caves and admits that she liked their attention. She's lonely and scared. They made her feel safe. That's why she acted the way she did. She thought they were going to take care of her. Seizing this admission, Dave reassures her that they will take care of her. They always will. She just needs to take care of them too. That's what family is for.

4 years ago 17001 6:14
AIRTIGHT INVASION Teen Uses All Her Holes to DP and Get Revenge on Male Captors A STATEMENT FROM LENA PAUL: I've never felt drawn to expressing my own personal trauma in my porn because I generally find it a little inappropriate to air your dirty laundry online. However, when Bree approached me to write a story for Pure Taboo, I felt it was an opportunity to share my own experiences in a serious adult piece. The parameters of my story stem from a recurring nightmare I had after being assaulted. I'd like to offer this project as my #MeToo, in that I wanted to create a story that women who've suffered trauma could feel empowered about watching. A lot of women who watch porn, particularly rough sex scenarios, after experiencing trauma feel a lot of shame about it, despite it being an extremely common fantasy (top 5 actually according to some studies) for women. It was my desire to thread the needle of empowering women while also placing my character in a seemingly dangerous or degrading setting to talk about how this juxtaposition can feel both complicated and pleasurable for viewers. I hope, in the end, that Airtight Invasion will continue our industry's conversations about female empowerment and representation. SCENE opens one night as a beautiful young woman named Veronica shuts down her family's house for the evening. Veronica is the daughter of a rich businessman with suspected ties to organized crime and she looks every bit like a mob boss' daughter, with a full face of makeup and flashy clothing. But, despite her grown-up appearance, Veronica is an anxious girl ... pacing through the different levels of her mansion and pleading with her father on the phone. It's the first time that she's been left alone for the weekend with only one guard on duty and Veronica does not believe he will be enough to protect her, especially from any of daddy's enemies. Her father is dismissive, telling her to calm down, she is 18-years-old, and that the guard is a trained professional. He and her mother will be home in the morning. Strutting into the kitchen, she takes a deep breath before agreeing and her father hangs up, leaving her to reflect for a moment in the silence of the room. She opens the fridge, grabs a bottle of water, and heads to the front door. The security guard, Bruno, is standing in front of it as he always does during the night shift. Opening the door, she says goodnight sweetly and offers him the water, which he takes gratefully. It's hot out. Veronica kisses him on the cheek and thanks him for always keeping her safe, before closing the door. Bruno turns back to his duties, standing on the front steps and sipping his water. He smiles at the thought of the sweet innocent girl. CUT TO TITLE PLATE Bruno is lying passed out on the front steps, the water bottle open and dripping beside him. Three men, dressed in black, step over him cautiously and open the door. It is not locked. They quietly file into the foyer and down through the various levels of the house to Veronica's room. She is sleeping in her bed, dressed in silk pajamas. They approach and stare down at her, each wearing black ski masks and breathing hard. The teen girl tosses for a moment before slowly waking up and staring straight at them. Her eyes go wide. 'You're coming with us,' one of them growls. Cut to black over sounds of rustling and resistance. 8 Hours Later. Veronica struggles to see. Something is over her head and she begs the men to remove it. They rip it off, a pillowcase, and, for the first time, she is exposed to her surroundings. She is being kept in a messy storage locker and surrounded by two of the men, who seem almost as anxious as she is. 'Who are you?' she mutters. The two men look at each other, before turning back. 'You are being held until your father pays us what he owes us,' one says. Veronica lowers her eyes in fear. Her hands are crudely tied together, and she winches at the ropes. 'Do you think you could please remove these?' She begs. 'I'm obviously not going anywhere.' The men look at each other again, debating what to do, before the other pops open a switchblade and cuts her hands free. 'You better sit still,' he meekly warns, 'or else!' Suddenly, a door opens and a third man, the eldest of the three, comes strutting in the room with a gun and a cell phone. He sees that Veronica is loose and immediately rushes over, leaving the door ajar, to berate the other men for untying her. They tell him to chill, she promised not to run, and besides ... they all know she has nowhere to go. Calming down, the third man gets right into Veronica's face and tries to intimidate her. He warns her not to cross them or try anything stupid. They are trained professionals. They don't care how they make their money at the end of the day ... and disposal is much easier than ransom negotiations. Veronica clams up and agrees with everything that the man, who is clearly the leader, says. He seems to take great satisfaction from this power trip and tosses the phone into the hands of the other two men. 'Use this burner, boys,' he barks, turning back and flashing a sadistic grin at Veronica. 'Time to call daddy!' 24 Hours Later. Veronica sits slumped in a corner, sweaty and anxious, while the men try to talk to her father. This is the fourth call they've placed since the heist, and her dad is sobbing on the other end of the line. He can put together some of the ransom but not everything they are asking for. They are being unreasonable, and he begs for leniency. He hasn't called the cops, after all. He is playing along. Finally, the leader hangs up on him angrily. This is not going as he had expected. He lashes out at the other two men, waving his gun around, and telling them that they are being too soft on the girl. If they had the balls to send her father a special delivery, it would wrap things up quickly. Veronica shrinks back and whispers that her father is just trying to negotiate. That's what he does. He's always been cheap. He has the whole amount. The leader grabs her. 'So, what the fuck do you recommend we try next, then?' He yells. 36 Hours Later. Veronica sits quietly in between the two men, as the leader yells into the phone. He is telling the father that he knows about the hidden safe in his office and all the reserves he keeps there. As they argue, Veronica tries to whisper a few key details to help the leader prove his point. The father claims he emptied that safe out months ago. There must be some other way. Without thinking, Veronica stands up and yells 'Dad, Please!' This causes the father to panic, hearing his daughter in distress. The leader hangs up the phone abruptly and spins around, as the other two cover her mouth and pull her back down to the ground. 'I told you not to do anything stupid!' He yells. Slowly, Veronica removes the hand from her mouth and says. 'That wasn't stupid, that was exactly what you needed. He's nervous. Now, you just have to make him terrified!' 48 Hours Later. The three men sit in a corner, away from the girl, debating over what to do. The two men are becoming very antsy, urging the leader to just get rid of Veronica and abandon the job. She watches and listens closely, biting her lip. The leader argues that they should stick it out, they just need to do something that will really fuck the man up and get him to cough up the whole amount. It needs to be a real threat, no more pussying around. The room goes silent. 'You should all fuck me,' Veronica says quietly. 'Do whatever the fuck you want. Just send my father the evidence. As soon as he sees his daughter like that, he will cooperate with you. No more pussying around.' The men look at each other in shock. 'Does she have Stockholm syndrome or something?' One of them laughs nervously. Veronica stands up, shaking, and starts to under her pajama top. 'But, you need to make it look rough, make it look you ruined me. All three of you need to be in on it. Inside of me. Airtight. I want this to be done as much as you do.' She takes off her pants and stands naked before them. The leader flashes a smile and starts to approach her, as the other man chimes in to protest. 'What if she is playing us?' The leader tells him to stop pussying around, like the lady said, and get his phone out. It's picture time. The leader rests his gun on the ground, kicking it to the side, as he peels off his clothes. 'Grabs the masks,' he tells the other man. 'We don't want to be recognized!' The three men strip down, put their masks back on, and approach Veronica. 'Are you ready, sweetheart?' The leader coos in her ear. She says YES and drops to her knees. BBBG Rough Sex Scene with Airtight DP penetration. Throughout the sex, they take turns taking photos. In the end, the three men give Veronica a full facial and make her pose for a picture. While they laugh and look at the photos (the audience never actually sees the photos), she quietly sneaks to the side of the room where the gun was tossed, grabs it, and points it in their direction. Cut to black as gunshots are heard. Over a black frame, a voice over of Veronica calling her father. She asks if he saw the photos. He says yes, crying. She tells him this will be the last time they let her speak to him unless he gives them what they want. Through tears, he agrees. She tells him to bring the full amount to a location that will be texted to him. He must come alone. He must not involve the authorities. He agrees. The phone is cut. A final shot shows the father sitting, with a suitcase. A car pulls up and rolls down the window. It's Veronica -- dressed immaculately. She hushes her father and tells him it's ok, as a man in a black ski mask gets out of the car and collects the suit case. 'Will you let her go now?' the father pleads. As Veronica rolls the window back up, she hears the man pull the trigger and her father fall to the ground. The man in the ski mask gets back the front driver's seat and takes off his mask. It's Bruno. 'Where to now, Miss Veronica?' he asks politely. 'To the airport,' she replies.

AIRTIGHT INVASION Teen Uses All Her Holes to DP and Get Revenge on Male Captors A STATEMENT FROM LENA PAUL: I've never felt drawn to expressing my own personal trauma in my porn because I generally find it a little inappropriate to air your dirty laundry online. However, when Bree approached me to write a story for Pure Taboo, I felt it was an opportunity to share my own experiences in a serious adult piece. The parameters of my story stem from a recurring nightmare I had after being assaulted. I'd like to offer this project as my #MeToo, in that I wanted to create a story that women who've suffered trauma could feel empowered about watching. A lot of women who watch porn, particularly rough sex scenarios, after experiencing trauma feel a lot of shame about it, despite it being an extremely common fantasy (top 5 actually according to some studies) for women. It was my desire to thread the needle of empowering women while also placing my character in a seemingly dangerous or degrading setting to talk about how this juxtaposition can feel both complicated and pleasurable for viewers. I hope, in the end, that Airtight Invasion will continue our industry's conversations about female empowerment and representation. SCENE opens one night as a beautiful young woman named Veronica shuts down her family's house for the evening. Veronica is the daughter of a rich businessman with suspected ties to organized crime and she looks every bit like a mob boss' daughter, with a full face of makeup and flashy clothing. But, despite her grown-up appearance, Veronica is an anxious girl ... pacing through the different levels of her mansion and pleading with her father on the phone. It's the first time that she's been left alone for the weekend with only one guard on duty and Veronica does not believe he will be enough to protect her, especially from any of daddy's enemies. Her father is dismissive, telling her to calm down, she is 18-years-old, and that the guard is a trained professional. He and her mother will be home in the morning. Strutting into the kitchen, she takes a deep breath before agreeing and her father hangs up, leaving her to reflect for a moment in the silence of the room. She opens the fridge, grabs a bottle of water, and heads to the front door. The security guard, Bruno, is standing in front of it as he always does during the night shift. Opening the door, she says goodnight sweetly and offers him the water, which he takes gratefully. It's hot out. Veronica kisses him on the cheek and thanks him for always keeping her safe, before closing the door. Bruno turns back to his duties, standing on the front steps and sipping his water. He smiles at the thought of the sweet innocent girl. CUT TO TITLE PLATE Bruno is lying passed out on the front steps, the water bottle open and dripping beside him. Three men, dressed in black, step over him cautiously and open the door. It is not locked. They quietly file into the foyer and down through the various levels of the house to Veronica's room. She is sleeping in her bed, dressed in silk pajamas. They approach and stare down at her, each wearing black ski masks and breathing hard. The teen girl tosses for a moment before slowly waking up and staring straight at them. Her eyes go wide. 'You're coming with us,' one of them growls. Cut to black over sounds of rustling and resistance. 8 Hours Later. Veronica struggles to see. Something is over her head and she begs the men to remove it. They rip it off, a pillowcase, and, for the first time, she is exposed to her surroundings. She is being kept in a messy storage locker and surrounded by two of the men, who seem almost as anxious as she is. 'Who are you?' she mutters. The two men look at each other, before turning back. 'You are being held until your father pays us what he owes us,' one says. Veronica lowers her eyes in fear. Her hands are crudely tied together, and she winches at the ropes. 'Do you think you could please remove these?' She begs. 'I'm obviously not going anywhere.' The men look at each other again, debating what to do, before the other pops open a switchblade and cuts her hands free. 'You better sit still,' he meekly warns, 'or else!' Suddenly, a door opens and a third man, the eldest of the three, comes strutting in the room with a gun and a cell phone. He sees that Veronica is loose and immediately rushes over, leaving the door ajar, to berate the other men for untying her. They tell him to chill, she promised not to run, and besides ... they all know she has nowhere to go. Calming down, the third man gets right into Veronica's face and tries to intimidate her. He warns her not to cross them or try anything stupid. They are trained professionals. They don't care how they make their money at the end of the day ... and disposal is much easier than ransom negotiations. Veronica clams up and agrees with everything that the man, who is clearly the leader, says. He seems to take great satisfaction from this power trip and tosses the phone into the hands of the other two men. 'Use this burner, boys,' he barks, turning back and flashing a sadistic grin at Veronica. 'Time to call daddy!' 24 Hours Later. Veronica sits slumped in a corner, sweaty and anxious, while the men try to talk to her father. This is the fourth call they've placed since the heist, and her dad is sobbing on the other end of the line. He can put together some of the ransom but not everything they are asking for. They are being unreasonable, and he begs for leniency. He hasn't called the cops, after all. He is playing along. Finally, the leader hangs up on him angrily. This is not going as he had expected. He lashes out at the other two men, waving his gun around, and telling them that they are being too soft on the girl. If they had the balls to send her father a special delivery, it would wrap things up quickly. Veronica shrinks back and whispers that her father is just trying to negotiate. That's what he does. He's always been cheap. He has the whole amount. The leader grabs her. 'So, what the fuck do you recommend we try next, then?' He yells. 36 Hours Later. Veronica sits quietly in between the two men, as the leader yells into the phone. He is telling the father that he knows about the hidden safe in his office and all the reserves he keeps there. As they argue, Veronica tries to whisper a few key details to help the leader prove his point. The father claims he emptied that safe out months ago. There must be some other way. Without thinking, Veronica stands up and yells 'Dad, Please!' This causes the father to panic, hearing his daughter in distress. The leader hangs up the phone abruptly and spins around, as the other two cover her mouth and pull her back down to the ground. 'I told you not to do anything stupid!' He yells. Slowly, Veronica removes the hand from her mouth and says. 'That wasn't stupid, that was exactly what you needed. He's nervous. Now, you just have to make him terrified!' 48 Hours Later. The three men sit in a corner, away from the girl, debating over what to do. The two men are becoming very antsy, urging the leader to just get rid of Veronica and abandon the job. She watches and listens closely, biting her lip. The leader argues that they should stick it out, they just need to do something that will really fuck the man up and get him to cough up the whole amount. It needs to be a real threat, no more pussying around. The room goes silent. 'You should all fuck me,' Veronica says quietly. 'Do whatever the fuck you want. Just send my father the evidence. As soon as he sees his daughter like that, he will cooperate with you. No more pussying around.' The men look at each other in shock. 'Does she have Stockholm syndrome or something?' One of them laughs nervously. Veronica stands up, shaking, and starts to under her pajama top. 'But, you need to make it look rough, make it look you ruined me. All three of you need to be in on it. Inside of me. Airtight. I want this to be done as much as you do.' She takes off her pants and stands naked before them. The leader flashes a smile and starts to approach her, as the other man chimes in to protest. 'What if she is playing us?' The leader tells him to stop pussying around, like the lady said, and get his phone out. It's picture time. The leader rests his gun on the ground, kicking it to the side, as he peels off his clothes. 'Grabs the masks,' he tells the other man. 'We don't want to be recognized!' The three men strip down, put their masks back on, and approach Veronica. 'Are you ready, sweetheart?' The leader coos in her ear. She says YES and drops to her knees. BBBG Rough Sex Scene with Airtight DP penetration. Throughout the sex, they take turns taking photos. In the end, the three men give Veronica a full facial and make her pose for a picture. While they laugh and look at the photos (the audience never actually sees the photos), she quietly sneaks to the side of the room where the gun was tossed, grabs it, and points it in their direction. Cut to black as gunshots are heard. Over a black frame, a voice over of Veronica calling her father. She asks if he saw the photos. He says yes, crying. She tells him this will be the last time they let her speak to him unless he gives them what they want. Through tears, he agrees. She tells him to bring the full amount to a location that will be texted to him. He must come alone. He must not involve the authorities. He agrees. The phone is cut. A final shot shows the father sitting, with a suitcase. A car pulls up and rolls down the window. It's Veronica -- dressed immaculately. She hushes her father and tells him it's ok, as a man in a black ski mask gets out of the car and collects the suit case. 'Will you let her go now?' the father pleads. As Veronica rolls the window back up, she hears the man pull the trigger and her father fall to the ground. The man in the ski mask gets back the front driver's seat and takes off his mask. It's Bruno. 'Where to now, Miss Veronica?' he asks politely. 'To the airport,' she replies.

4 years ago 2136 6:14
ALMOST IDENTICAL: Sister Must Tell Her Brother Lover They Aren't Related The Scene opens on Mandy, a troubled young woman, as she slumps on her couch surrounded by tissues. Her eyes are puffy from crying and mascara streaks mark her face. An open letter sits on the table in front of her. It's from her mother. It explains how who she thought was her brother Aaron is actually fostered, and details the story of their taboo sibling dealings for which he was arrested. The phone rings. Wiping her eyes, Mandy answers. A recording says: THIS IS A COLLECT CALL FROM THE LA COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY. YOU HAVE A CALL FROM AARON. TO ACCEPT, PLEASE PRESS 1. Mandy takes a breath and presses the button. An excited Aaron says on the other end of the line, 'sis it's me. I'm getting out tomorrow and I'm coming straight for you. I can't wait to fuck my sexy little sister again.' Mandy presses the phone to her chest for a moment before muttering 'I can't wait to fuck my brother too.' Aaron sits silently in the backseat of a taxi, as it drives towards his sister's house. Beside him is a single paper bag containing all his belongings. He stares out the window, clutching a photo of Mandy in his hand. It's been 24 months since he had her and he can hardly wait. Scene cuts to a nervous Mandy pacing in the hallway, holding the letter. She keeps trying to decide whether to leave it out or hide it. When the doorbell rings, she tucks it in a back pocket frantically and opens the door. Aaron barges in, grabbing her and pushing her up against the wall. They kiss passionately. Before she can say anything, her 'brother' pulls her jean skirt down. He has been dying to see her pussy and she, so caught up in the moment, urges him to lick her. After eating her out for a few minutes, he comes back up to kiss her and excitedly asks for a shower. Scene cuts to the couple post-shower, naked and looking at themselves in the mirror. Mandy is brushing her hair, while her brother clutches her tightly and talks about how good they look in the mirror together. Their features are so similar, it's as if they are almost identical. Mandy looks very tormented during her brother's rant, because she knows the truth that will break his heart. She starts to try and tell him about her mother's letter, when Aaron dismisses it and pulls her into the bedroom for round two. The siblings have sex in the bedroom. Throughout the sex, the brother takes the lead in fucking his sister and going back\/forth between passionate and aggressive, as he lets 24 months of prison confinement out on his younger, vulnerable sister. The more he talks about their relations, the more she tries to change the subject.ALMOST IDENTICAL: Sister Must Tell Her Brother Lover They Aren't Related The Scene opens on Mandy, a troubled young woman, as she slumps on her couch surrounded by tissues. Her eyes are puffy from crying and mascara streaks mark her face. An open letter sits on the table in front of her. It's from her mother. It explains how who she thought was her brother Aaron is actually fostered, and details the story of their taboo sibling dealings for which he was arrested. The phone rings. Wiping her eyes, Mandy answers. A recording says: THIS IS A COLLECT CALL FROM THE LA COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY. YOU HAVE A CALL FROM AARON. TO ACCEPT, PLEASE PRESS 1. Mandy takes a breath and presses the button. An excited Aaron says on the other end of the line, 'sis it's me. I'm getting out tomorrow and I'm coming straight for you. I can't wait to fuck my sexy little sister again.' Mandy presses the phone to her chest for a moment before muttering 'I can't wait to fuck my brother too.' Aaron sits silently in the backseat of a taxi, as it drives towards his sister's house. Beside him is a single paper bag containing all his belongings. He stares out the window, clutching a photo of Mandy in his hand. It's been 24 months since he had her and he can hardly wait. Scene cuts to a nervous Mandy pacing in the hallway, holding the letter. She keeps trying to decide whether to leave it out or hide it. When the doorbell rings, she tucks it in a back pocket frantically and opens the door. Aaron barges in, grabbing her and pushing her up against the wall. They kiss passionately. Before she can say anything, her 'brother' pulls her jean skirt down. He has been dying to see her pussy and she, so caught up in the moment, urges him to lick her. After eating her out for a few minutes, he comes back up to kiss her and excitedly asks for a shower. Scene cuts to the couple post-shower, naked and looking at themselves in the mirror. Mandy is brushing her hair, while her brother clutches her tightly and talks about how good they look in the mirror together. Their features are so similar, it's as if they are almost identical. Mandy looks very tormented during her brother's rant, because she knows the truth that will break his heart. She starts to try and tell him about her mother's letter, when Aaron dismisses it and pulls her into the bedroom for round two. The siblings have sex in the bedroom. Throughout the sex, the brother takes the lead in fucking his sister and going back\/forth between passionate and aggressive, as he lets 24 months of prison confinement out on his younger, vulnerable sister. The more he talks about their relations, the more she tries to change the subject.

ALMOST IDENTICAL: Sister Must Tell Her Brother Lover They Aren't Related The Scene opens on Mandy, a troubled young woman, as she slumps on her couch surrounded by tissues. Her eyes are puffy from crying and mascara streaks mark her face. An open letter sits on the table in front of her. It's from her mother. It explains how who she thought was her brother Aaron is actually fostered, and details the story of their taboo sibling dealings for which he was arrested. The phone rings. Wiping her eyes, Mandy answers. A recording says: THIS IS A COLLECT CALL FROM THE LA COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY. YOU HAVE A CALL FROM AARON. TO ACCEPT, PLEASE PRESS 1. Mandy takes a breath and presses the button. An excited Aaron says on the other end of the line, 'sis it's me. I'm getting out tomorrow and I'm coming straight for you. I can't wait to fuck my sexy little sister again.' Mandy presses the phone to her chest for a moment before muttering 'I can't wait to fuck my brother too.' Aaron sits silently in the backseat of a taxi, as it drives towards his sister's house. Beside him is a single paper bag containing all his belongings. He stares out the window, clutching a photo of Mandy in his hand. It's been 24 months since he had her and he can hardly wait. Scene cuts to a nervous Mandy pacing in the hallway, holding the letter. She keeps trying to decide whether to leave it out or hide it. When the doorbell rings, she tucks it in a back pocket frantically and opens the door. Aaron barges in, grabbing her and pushing her up against the wall. They kiss passionately. Before she can say anything, her 'brother' pulls her jean skirt down. He has been dying to see her pussy and she, so caught up in the moment, urges him to lick her. After eating her out for a few minutes, he comes back up to kiss her and excitedly asks for a shower. Scene cuts to the couple post-shower, naked and looking at themselves in the mirror. Mandy is brushing her hair, while her brother clutches her tightly and talks about how good they look in the mirror together. Their features are so similar, it's as if they are almost identical. Mandy looks very tormented during her brother's rant, because she knows the truth that will break his heart. She starts to try and tell him about her mother's letter, when Aaron dismisses it and pulls her into the bedroom for round two. The siblings have sex in the bedroom. Throughout the sex, the brother takes the lead in fucking his sister and going back\/forth between passionate and aggressive, as he lets 24 months of prison confinement out on his younger, vulnerable sister. The more he talks about their relations, the more she tries to change the subject.ALMOST IDENTICAL: Sister Must Tell Her Brother Lover They Aren't Related The Scene opens on Mandy, a troubled young woman, as she slumps on her couch surrounded by tissues. Her eyes are puffy from crying and mascara streaks mark her face. An open letter sits on the table in front of her. It's from her mother. It explains how who she thought was her brother Aaron is actually fostered, and details the story of their taboo sibling dealings for which he was arrested. The phone rings. Wiping her eyes, Mandy answers. A recording says: THIS IS A COLLECT CALL FROM THE LA COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY. YOU HAVE A CALL FROM AARON. TO ACCEPT, PLEASE PRESS 1. Mandy takes a breath and presses the button. An excited Aaron says on the other end of the line, 'sis it's me. I'm getting out tomorrow and I'm coming straight for you. I can't wait to fuck my sexy little sister again.' Mandy presses the phone to her chest for a moment before muttering 'I can't wait to fuck my brother too.' Aaron sits silently in the backseat of a taxi, as it drives towards his sister's house. Beside him is a single paper bag containing all his belongings. He stares out the window, clutching a photo of Mandy in his hand. It's been 24 months since he had her and he can hardly wait. Scene cuts to a nervous Mandy pacing in the hallway, holding the letter. She keeps trying to decide whether to leave it out or hide it. When the doorbell rings, she tucks it in a back pocket frantically and opens the door. Aaron barges in, grabbing her and pushing her up against the wall. They kiss passionately. Before she can say anything, her 'brother' pulls her jean skirt down. He has been dying to see her pussy and she, so caught up in the moment, urges him to lick her. After eating her out for a few minutes, he comes back up to kiss her and excitedly asks for a shower. Scene cuts to the couple post-shower, naked and looking at themselves in the mirror. Mandy is brushing her hair, while her brother clutches her tightly and talks about how good they look in the mirror together. Their features are so similar, it's as if they are almost identical. Mandy looks very tormented during her brother's rant, because she knows the truth that will break his heart. She starts to try and tell him about her mother's letter, when Aaron dismisses it and pulls her into the bedroom for round two. The siblings have sex in the bedroom. Throughout the sex, the brother takes the lead in fucking his sister and going back\/forth between passionate and aggressive, as he lets 24 months of prison confinement out on his younger, vulnerable sister. The more he talks about their relations, the more she tries to change the subject.

4 years ago 2416 6:14
THE PERFECT SON Teen Talked into Sex with Emotionally Unstable Mother and Son The scene opens on Jessy and Adam, two 19-year-old college sweethearts, as they sit awkwardly at a dining room table. The couple, who met at school, have been dating for several months and tonight Adam has brought the girl home to meet his step-mother, Mrs. Curtin. Jessy is an outspoken, liberal arts student, a sharp contrast from Adam, who dresses conservatively, studies economics, and still lives at home. But the two are in love and, despite Adam's reservations, Jessy has been the one pushing to meet his family. She is very serious about him and wants to take things to the next level. So, under the table, she squeezes his hand and assures him that everything will be ok. When Mrs. Curtin enters the room, carrying a tray of food, Adam drops his girlfriend's hand and stands up to help his mother. She is dressed immaculately and seems friendly but fragile -- there is something about the way she carries herself that is almost frantic. While her son dutifully helps her set the food down, Mrs. Curtin smiles and tells Jessy about what a good man Adam has become. Ever since she came into his life when he was a young boy, he has been just like a real son to her -- a perfect son. Jessy, bright and bubbly, tells Mrs. Curtin in turn all about how she met Adam and how much she likes him. His mother smiles and feigns interest, but you can tell she is very preoccupied with her boy. The moment he starts to move back over to Jessy's side, she comes up with some reason for him to come back to her. Adam seems aware of this and awkwardly tries to diffuse the situation but, after a certain point, Jessy begins to feel uneasy. She excuses herself to the bathroom. Once alone, Jessy closes the bathroom door and presses herself against it. She stares off into space ... something is very strange about Adam's mother! Jessy washes her hands and stares at herself in the bathroom mirror before returning to the dining room. She finds Adam sitting alone. He seems nervous and agitated. She asks him where his mother went but, before he can really reply, Jessy starts to candidly talk about how weird dinner has been. She can't believe how overbearing and clingy Mrs. Curtin is, especially since he is a grown man. Why is she treating him like a coddled child and why does he have to drop everything to care of her? It must be so annoying to still live at home; no wonder he is always so serious! As she laughs, she nudges closer to Adam to kiss him when she looks down and notices that Mrs. Curtin is under the table sucking her step- son's dick! Jessy jumps back in disgust and, after cursing at her boyfriend and his mother for being sick and disgusting, she storms out of the house. As she runs to her car and starts struggling to open the door, Adam follows apologetically after her. He begs her to stop and listen to him, he can explain everything. It's not what it looks like. It's not cheating and he doesn't consider it sex ... well not exactly .... he just has to take care of his mom this way. When Jessy accuses him of being a pervert, he reminds her that Mrs. Curtin isn't actually his biological relative ... she's just been his mom for most of his life. His father was horribly abusive and made their life a living hell so, ever since they split up, Adam has had to step in and take care of her. Mrs. Curtin is emotionally fragile and will spiral into panic attacks if he doesn't do things with her sometimes, especially when she is feeling threatened. It seems unorthodox but it is just how his family functions now. While Jessy cries and struggles to understand how her boyfriend could keep such a secret, Adam keeps trying to reassure her. 'I promise you I don't consider it sex,' he tells her. 'I just consider it being a good son. I'm helpingher keep calm. Nothing else has ever worked. Please, don't reject me because of this. I love you and I want to be with you. I swear!' Jessy asks if he will stop. Adam tells her he wants to stop and that's why he invited her over ... she is the first girl he's ever brought home. He begs her to just come inside and, together, they can explain to his mother how in love they are and, surely, she will understand that it's time to let him go. The frazzled Jessy finally agrees and follows him back inside the house. Mrs. Curtin is waiting silently in the living room when the couple arrive. Jessy is standoffish and Adam must plead with her to get her to sit down beside him. Arms crossed, she coldly tells him to start talking. Adam turns to his mom and meekly tells her that their affair will need to stop. As she hears this, Mrs. Curtin starts to cry and curl up in a ball on the couch. Adam rushes to her side to comfort her, while Jessy stands up in protest. She tells him that she's leaving right now if he doesn't make a choice. Adam looks desperate and conflicted. Through her tears, Mrs. Curtin makes a proposal: If her perfect son is really going to choose Jessy over her, she needs to at least understand why. She needs to see what Jessy has that makes her so special. She needs to watch them being together!THE PERFECT SON Teen Talked into Sex with Emotionally Unstable Mother and Son The scene opens on Jessy and Adam, two 19-year-old college sweethearts, as they sit awkwardly at a dining room table. The couple, who met at school, have been dating for several months and tonight Adam has brought the girl home to meet his step-mother, Mrs. Curtin. Jessy is an outspoken, liberal arts student, a sharp contrast from Adam, who dresses conservatively, studies economics, and still lives at home. But the two are in love and, despite Adam's reservations, Jessy has been the one pushing to meet his family. She is very serious about him and wants to take things to the next level. So, under the table, she squeezes his hand and assures him that everything will be ok. When Mrs. Curtin enters the room, carrying a tray of food, Adam drops his girlfriend's hand and stands up to help his mother. She is dressed immaculately and seems friendly but fragile -- there is something about the way she carries herself that is almost frantic. While her son dutifully helps her set the food down, Mrs. Curtin smiles and tells Jessy about what a good man Adam has become. Ever since she came into his life when he was a young boy, he has been just like a real son to her -- a perfect son. Jessy, bright and bubbly, tells Mrs. Curtin in turn all about how she met Adam and how much she likes him. His mother smiles and feigns interest, but you can tell she is very preoccupied with her boy. The moment he starts to move back over to Jessy's side, she comes up with some reason for him to come back to her. Adam seems aware of this and awkwardly tries to diffuse the situation but, after a certain point, Jessy begins to feel uneasy. She excuses herself to the bathroom. Once alone, Jessy closes the bathroom door and presses herself against it. She stares off into space ... something is very strange about Adam's mother! Jessy washes her hands and stares at herself in the bathroom mirror before returning to the dining room. She finds Adam sitting alone. He seems nervous and agitated. She asks him where his mother went but, before he can really reply, Jessy starts to candidly talk about how weird dinner has been. She can't believe how overbearing and clingy Mrs. Curtin is, especially since he is a grown man. Why is she treating him like a coddled child and why does he have to drop everything to care of her? It must be so annoying to still live at home; no wonder he is always so serious! As she laughs, she nudges closer to Adam to kiss him when she looks down and notices that Mrs. Curtin is under the table sucking her step- son's dick! Jessy jumps back in disgust and, after cursing at her boyfriend and his mother for being sick and disgusting, she storms out of the house. As she runs to her car and starts struggling to open the door, Adam follows apologetically after her. He begs her to stop and listen to him, he can explain everything. It's not what it looks like. It's not cheating and he doesn't consider it sex ... well not exactly .... he just has to take care of his mom this way. When Jessy accuses him of being a pervert, he reminds her that Mrs. Curtin isn't actually his biological relative ... she's just been his mom for most of his life. His father was horribly abusive and made their life a living hell so, ever since they split up, Adam has had to step in and take care of her. Mrs. Curtin is emotionally fragile and will spiral into panic attacks if he doesn't do things with her sometimes, especially when she is feeling threatened. It seems unorthodox but it is just how his family functions now. While Jessy cries and struggles to understand how her boyfriend could keep such a secret, Adam keeps trying to reassure her. 'I promise you I don't consider it sex,' he tells her. 'I just consider it being a good son. I'm helpingher keep calm. Nothing else has ever worked. Please, don't reject me because of this. I love you and I want to be with you. I swear!' Jessy asks if he will stop. Adam tells her he wants to stop and that's why he invited her over ... she is the first girl he's ever brought home. He begs her to just come inside and, together, they can explain to his mother how in love they are and, surely, she will understand that it's time to let him go. The frazzled Jessy finally agrees and follows him back inside the house. Mrs. Curtin is waiting silently in the living room when the couple arrive. Jessy is standoffish and Adam must plead with her to get her to sit down beside him. Arms crossed, she coldly tells him to start talking. Adam turns to his mom and meekly tells her that their affair will need to stop. As she hears this, Mrs. Curtin starts to cry and curl up in a ball on the couch. Adam rushes to her side to comfort her, while Jessy stands up in protest. She tells him that she's leaving right now if he doesn't make a choice. Adam looks desperate and conflicted. Through her tears, Mrs. Curtin makes a proposal: If her perfect son is really going to choose Jessy over her, she needs to at least understand why. She needs to see what Jessy has that makes her so special. She needs to watch them being together!

THE PERFECT SON Teen Talked into Sex with Emotionally Unstable Mother and Son The scene opens on Jessy and Adam, two 19-year-old college sweethearts, as they sit awkwardly at a dining room table. The couple, who met at school, have been dating for several months and tonight Adam has brought the girl home to meet his step-mother, Mrs. Curtin. Jessy is an outspoken, liberal arts student, a sharp contrast from Adam, who dresses conservatively, studies economics, and still lives at home. But the two are in love and, despite Adam's reservations, Jessy has been the one pushing to meet his family. She is very serious about him and wants to take things to the next level. So, under the table, she squeezes his hand and assures him that everything will be ok. When Mrs. Curtin enters the room, carrying a tray of food, Adam drops his girlfriend's hand and stands up to help his mother. She is dressed immaculately and seems friendly but fragile -- there is something about the way she carries herself that is almost frantic. While her son dutifully helps her set the food down, Mrs. Curtin smiles and tells Jessy about what a good man Adam has become. Ever since she came into his life when he was a young boy, he has been just like a real son to her -- a perfect son. Jessy, bright and bubbly, tells Mrs. Curtin in turn all about how she met Adam and how much she likes him. His mother smiles and feigns interest, but you can tell she is very preoccupied with her boy. The moment he starts to move back over to Jessy's side, she comes up with some reason for him to come back to her. Adam seems aware of this and awkwardly tries to diffuse the situation but, after a certain point, Jessy begins to feel uneasy. She excuses herself to the bathroom. Once alone, Jessy closes the bathroom door and presses herself against it. She stares off into space ... something is very strange about Adam's mother! Jessy washes her hands and stares at herself in the bathroom mirror before returning to the dining room. She finds Adam sitting alone. He seems nervous and agitated. She asks him where his mother went but, before he can really reply, Jessy starts to candidly talk about how weird dinner has been. She can't believe how overbearing and clingy Mrs. Curtin is, especially since he is a grown man. Why is she treating him like a coddled child and why does he have to drop everything to care of her? It must be so annoying to still live at home; no wonder he is always so serious! As she laughs, she nudges closer to Adam to kiss him when she looks down and notices that Mrs. Curtin is under the table sucking her step- son's dick! Jessy jumps back in disgust and, after cursing at her boyfriend and his mother for being sick and disgusting, she storms out of the house. As she runs to her car and starts struggling to open the door, Adam follows apologetically after her. He begs her to stop and listen to him, he can explain everything. It's not what it looks like. It's not cheating and he doesn't consider it sex ... well not exactly .... he just has to take care of his mom this way. When Jessy accuses him of being a pervert, he reminds her that Mrs. Curtin isn't actually his biological relative ... she's just been his mom for most of his life. His father was horribly abusive and made their life a living hell so, ever since they split up, Adam has had to step in and take care of her. Mrs. Curtin is emotionally fragile and will spiral into panic attacks if he doesn't do things with her sometimes, especially when she is feeling threatened. It seems unorthodox but it is just how his family functions now. While Jessy cries and struggles to understand how her boyfriend could keep such a secret, Adam keeps trying to reassure her. 'I promise you I don't consider it sex,' he tells her. 'I just consider it being a good son. I'm helpingher keep calm. Nothing else has ever worked. Please, don't reject me because of this. I love you and I want to be with you. I swear!' Jessy asks if he will stop. Adam tells her he wants to stop and that's why he invited her over ... she is the first girl he's ever brought home. He begs her to just come inside and, together, they can explain to his mother how in love they are and, surely, she will understand that it's time to let him go. The frazzled Jessy finally agrees and follows him back inside the house. Mrs. Curtin is waiting silently in the living room when the couple arrive. Jessy is standoffish and Adam must plead with her to get her to sit down beside him. Arms crossed, she coldly tells him to start talking. Adam turns to his mom and meekly tells her that their affair will need to stop. As she hears this, Mrs. Curtin starts to cry and curl up in a ball on the couch. Adam rushes to her side to comfort her, while Jessy stands up in protest. She tells him that she's leaving right now if he doesn't make a choice. Adam looks desperate and conflicted. Through her tears, Mrs. Curtin makes a proposal: If her perfect son is really going to choose Jessy over her, she needs to at least understand why. She needs to see what Jessy has that makes her so special. She needs to watch them being together!THE PERFECT SON Teen Talked into Sex with Emotionally Unstable Mother and Son The scene opens on Jessy and Adam, two 19-year-old college sweethearts, as they sit awkwardly at a dining room table. The couple, who met at school, have been dating for several months and tonight Adam has brought the girl home to meet his step-mother, Mrs. Curtin. Jessy is an outspoken, liberal arts student, a sharp contrast from Adam, who dresses conservatively, studies economics, and still lives at home. But the two are in love and, despite Adam's reservations, Jessy has been the one pushing to meet his family. She is very serious about him and wants to take things to the next level. So, under the table, she squeezes his hand and assures him that everything will be ok. When Mrs. Curtin enters the room, carrying a tray of food, Adam drops his girlfriend's hand and stands up to help his mother. She is dressed immaculately and seems friendly but fragile -- there is something about the way she carries herself that is almost frantic. While her son dutifully helps her set the food down, Mrs. Curtin smiles and tells Jessy about what a good man Adam has become. Ever since she came into his life when he was a young boy, he has been just like a real son to her -- a perfect son. Jessy, bright and bubbly, tells Mrs. Curtin in turn all about how she met Adam and how much she likes him. His mother smiles and feigns interest, but you can tell she is very preoccupied with her boy. The moment he starts to move back over to Jessy's side, she comes up with some reason for him to come back to her. Adam seems aware of this and awkwardly tries to diffuse the situation but, after a certain point, Jessy begins to feel uneasy. She excuses herself to the bathroom. Once alone, Jessy closes the bathroom door and presses herself against it. She stares off into space ... something is very strange about Adam's mother! Jessy washes her hands and stares at herself in the bathroom mirror before returning to the dining room. She finds Adam sitting alone. He seems nervous and agitated. She asks him where his mother went but, before he can really reply, Jessy starts to candidly talk about how weird dinner has been. She can't believe how overbearing and clingy Mrs. Curtin is, especially since he is a grown man. Why is she treating him like a coddled child and why does he have to drop everything to care of her? It must be so annoying to still live at home; no wonder he is always so serious! As she laughs, she nudges closer to Adam to kiss him when she looks down and notices that Mrs. Curtin is under the table sucking her step- son's dick! Jessy jumps back in disgust and, after cursing at her boyfriend and his mother for being sick and disgusting, she storms out of the house. As she runs to her car and starts struggling to open the door, Adam follows apologetically after her. He begs her to stop and listen to him, he can explain everything. It's not what it looks like. It's not cheating and he doesn't consider it sex ... well not exactly .... he just has to take care of his mom this way. When Jessy accuses him of being a pervert, he reminds her that Mrs. Curtin isn't actually his biological relative ... she's just been his mom for most of his life. His father was horribly abusive and made their life a living hell so, ever since they split up, Adam has had to step in and take care of her. Mrs. Curtin is emotionally fragile and will spiral into panic attacks if he doesn't do things with her sometimes, especially when she is feeling threatened. It seems unorthodox but it is just how his family functions now. While Jessy cries and struggles to understand how her boyfriend could keep such a secret, Adam keeps trying to reassure her. 'I promise you I don't consider it sex,' he tells her. 'I just consider it being a good son. I'm helpingher keep calm. Nothing else has ever worked. Please, don't reject me because of this. I love you and I want to be with you. I swear!' Jessy asks if he will stop. Adam tells her he wants to stop and that's why he invited her over ... she is the first girl he's ever brought home. He begs her to just come inside and, together, they can explain to his mother how in love they are and, surely, she will understand that it's time to let him go. The frazzled Jessy finally agrees and follows him back inside the house. Mrs. Curtin is waiting silently in the living room when the couple arrive. Jessy is standoffish and Adam must plead with her to get her to sit down beside him. Arms crossed, she coldly tells him to start talking. Adam turns to his mom and meekly tells her that their affair will need to stop. As she hears this, Mrs. Curtin starts to cry and curl up in a ball on the couch. Adam rushes to her side to comfort her, while Jessy stands up in protest. She tells him that she's leaving right now if he doesn't make a choice. Adam looks desperate and conflicted. Through her tears, Mrs. Curtin makes a proposal: If her perfect son is really going to choose Jessy over her, she needs to at least understand why. She needs to see what Jessy has that makes her so special. She needs to watch them being together!

4 years ago 1651 6:14
You are pulling the car into your driveway. You look down at the passenger's seat where a bouquet of flowers sits that you can't wait to surprise your wife Rachael Cavalli with, you even left work early to surprise her because she's always so sweet to you. You often feel like you don't deserve such a wonderful wife! You go upstairs to the master bedroom looking for her. It's empty, but from another room, you can hear the sound of your wife's voice as she talks and giggles. You're shocked to hear the sound of a man's voice too. You hear them coming around the corner to the bedroom, and wanting to find out what's going on, you quickly hide in the closet. You watch as your wife, wearing sexy lingerie, enters the master bedroom. To your horror, she's leading a naked and muscular man, Nathan Bronson, into the bedroom. As you peer from the closet, Nathan lies down on the bed and your wife hops up onto him, sliding his hard cock inside her. Before long, the handsome and virile bull is going at it intensely, your wife riding his cock as she cries out how fucking amazing he is and how she hasn't felt anything like this in years. You watch, entranced by the appalling sight of your wife being pleasured by another man. As disturbing as getting cuckolded is, you can't help but get hard watching it. But you have your limits, and soon you can't take any more. You crawl away from the closet and into the hall, desperate to escape this cruel spectacle. As you crawl, you hear your wife shriek and look back up immediately to see her looking in your direction. 'Oh my God!' she says in a panic as she and the bull both start swearing and trying to hide their bodies with the pillows and bed sheets, 'what are you doing here?! I thought you were at work!' She seems surprised and sorry. As she continues to apologize, she looks down at your groin. 'Wait a minute, were you getting hard watching us?' she asks in disgust.'That's disgusting! Don't you have anything to say for yourself?' You don't answer, and she starts to mock you. She says how pathetic that is, how you find her in bed with another man and instead of kicking his ass you hide in the corner and watch them like some kind of sick pervert. 'Well, if you like to watch so much, you're going to sit here and watch me fuck him!,' your wife says angrily, pulling you onto the bed roughly. You try to look away but she sharply calls your attention back to her, and you watch as she starts stroking the bull's dick, continuing to mock you verbally as she does. As he spits on your wife's pussy and prepares to slip his cock inside of her, you feel helpless and defeated. Absolutely nothing, not even the flowers that you bought for your cheating wife, can stop what's about to happen. Seems like you were right, you don't deserve your wife after all!

You are pulling the car into your driveway. You look down at the passenger's seat where a bouquet of flowers sits that you can't wait to surprise your wife Rachael Cavalli with, you even left work early to surprise her because she's always so sweet to you. You often feel like you don't deserve such a wonderful wife! You go upstairs to the master bedroom looking for her. It's empty, but from another room, you can hear the sound of your wife's voice as she talks and giggles. You're shocked to hear the sound of a man's voice too. You hear them coming around the corner to the bedroom, and wanting to find out what's going on, you quickly hide in the closet. You watch as your wife, wearing sexy lingerie, enters the master bedroom. To your horror, she's leading a naked and muscular man, Nathan Bronson, into the bedroom. As you peer from the closet, Nathan lies down on the bed and your wife hops up onto him, sliding his hard cock inside her. Before long, the handsome and virile bull is going at it intensely, your wife riding his cock as she cries out how fucking amazing he is and how she hasn't felt anything like this in years. You watch, entranced by the appalling sight of your wife being pleasured by another man. As disturbing as getting cuckolded is, you can't help but get hard watching it. But you have your limits, and soon you can't take any more. You crawl away from the closet and into the hall, desperate to escape this cruel spectacle. As you crawl, you hear your wife shriek and look back up immediately to see her looking in your direction. 'Oh my God!' she says in a panic as she and the bull both start swearing and trying to hide their bodies with the pillows and bed sheets, 'what are you doing here?! I thought you were at work!' She seems surprised and sorry. As she continues to apologize, she looks down at your groin. 'Wait a minute, were you getting hard watching us?' she asks in disgust.'That's disgusting! Don't you have anything to say for yourself?' You don't answer, and she starts to mock you. She says how pathetic that is, how you find her in bed with another man and instead of kicking his ass you hide in the corner and watch them like some kind of sick pervert. 'Well, if you like to watch so much, you're going to sit here and watch me fuck him!,' your wife says angrily, pulling you onto the bed roughly. You try to look away but she sharply calls your attention back to her, and you watch as she starts stroking the bull's dick, continuing to mock you verbally as she does. As he spits on your wife's pussy and prepares to slip his cock inside of her, you feel helpless and defeated. Absolutely nothing, not even the flowers that you bought for your cheating wife, can stop what's about to happen. Seems like you were right, you don't deserve your wife after all!

4 years ago 2891 6:14
IT SLIPPED IN TEEN AND HER BFF TRICK MEAN BROTHER INTO FUCKING HIS SISTER Jenny (Carolina Sweets) and her friend Sandra (Whitney Wright) are giggling and gossiping in Jenny's room as they study for an upcoming text, textbooks sprawled across the bed and floor. Jenny comes across as much shyer than her friend, who is proudly listing off her sexual conquests - Jenny marvels at how experienced she is for being just 19 (even at times being shocked at the perverse things her friend is admitting to have done) and especially how nonchalant she is about it. Sandra asks, well what about her, surely she has SOME kiss-and-tell stories she can share? Jenny admits not really, she's kissed a few boys but never anything more serious than some over-the-clothes fondling. It's about then that Dane (Lucas Frost) is walking past in the hallway and butts into the conversation. He remarks that it's no wonder that nobody is ever going to have sex with Jenny when she looks so ugly, she's unfuckable. Jenny tries to tell her older step-brother to stop, but clearly has trouble standing up to him, and Sandra looks on silently fuming as Dane takes advantage of his younger step-sister's shyness to talk over her and continue to pick on her. He makes fun of her nerdy clothing, saying it looks more like what someone in their sixties would wear, not someone who's barely 18. He makes fun of her glasses. He says that he's glad he's not really related to her because he'd hate to think if his future kids had a chance of looking anything like her. Finally, Jenny loses her calm and shrieks at him to leave. Dane ends the conversation with a final insult, telling her to go back to studying since books are the only thing that are as dull as she is. When he's gone, Sandra stops holding her tongue and tells her friend that she can't believe how horrible Jenny's older step-brother is. How long has she been putting up with that? Jenny says ever since he moved in with them, two years ago. Sandra tells her that she would never put up with that kind of torment, and Jenny confesses she feels like she has no choice, he's so loud and rude and she's so quiet and reserved that he basically can walk all over her. Sandra tells her that he needs to be taught a lesson, she doesn't deserve that kind of treatment and he'll just keep doing it until he sees there are consequences for his actions. Besides, she says, what if he's doing this kind of thing to other poor girls at school? Hearing this, Jenny starts to grow a backbone - her friend is right, she would never want anybody else to feel as shitty as he makes her feel. But what could she possibly do to make him so regretful that he would never think of tormenting her again? He obviously doesn't feel bad when she cries or tells him to stop. No, Sandra agrees, bullies like that only understand one language, and that's an eye for an eye. He's been humiliating her, so she needs to do something to make him feel humiliated back. Something that's the ultimate revenge for telling her nobody would have sex with her, something that he'll remember every single time he sees her that'll trigger him. Like what? Jenny asks. Sandra gets a devious look in her eye and says she knows just the thing. TITLE PLATE Sandra plays innocent as she walks down the hall towards Dane's room, where he is taking a shower. She waits until he comes out, surprising him. 'Whatcha doing?' Sandra says with a flirty smile. Oh, he says, he thought she was his step-sister. Aren't the two of them supposed to be studying for some big test? Sandra says yes, but they're going to be studying all night, and she needed a break. But Jenny wants to keep going and doesn't want a break. Such a nerd, huh!? she says lightly. Dane chuckles and agrees. Aren't they friends though? Sandra says kinda, and explains that that's the thing about friends, is it pays off to keep a wide circle of 'friends' who can each give her something she doesn't already have. Like the answers to all the tests, she says with a wink. Dane laughs and shakes his head, impressed at her bluntness. Or, she continues, like a cute older brother who she can blow off some steam with during a study break. Dane looks up at her, surprised and speechless, clearly not used to getting hit on despite all his bravado. She moves in closer to him, crossing the threshold into his room. 'You know,' she says, 'we could be 'friends' too...' She starts to squat lower to meet his eye level, and she moves her hand to crawl her fingers up his knee like a spider. 'I bet YOU could give me something I don't already have, too...' she says seductively as her hand goes towards his inner thigh, almost right up to his crotch. He chuckles nervously, here? Now? What if his sister comes looking for her? Sandra smiles and says she's got her nose buried in books, she won't be going anywhere. So what does he say, does he want to have a little fun? Dane nods nervously but enthusiastically. Sandra starts playing with his chest over his clothes and giggling as she feels him up. She lifts his shirt up slightly, ooh, she giggles, a six-pack. He blushes and tries to boast a bit lamely saying yeah, he works out a lot. She then starts unbuttoning his pants, saying what other fun surprises is she going to find. Then her face brightens and she says she has an idea, why doesn't she give him a couple of surprises of her own? Wouldn't it be fun if he doesn't see what she's doing? That way she could give him all sorts of fun surprises, things she's sure he's going to like. Dane seems hesitant, so Sandra continues to coax him, saying that she's heard that all the other senses are heightened when you can't see what's going on. Hearing... TOUCH, she says, as she strokes his leg with her hand... tasssste, she says, as she moves her lips inches away from his tauntingly. Dane breathes heavily and says o-okay, sure. Sandra gives him a flirty compliment saying he's so brave, willing to try something new, she likes that. She gets him to close his eyes - or, optionally, perhaps she lifts his shirt and pulls it over his head so that the shirt covers his face. Now, she says, lie back and relax. As Dane gets comfortable, Sandra gestures outside to the hall for someone to approach. Jenny tiptoes into the room, careful not to make any noise, and Sandra helps her get into position right where she was kneeling. 'Now,' Sandra says from just beside Jenny to confuse the brother, 'are you ready?' Yeah, the brother says with his eyes covered, he's so ready! Jenny unzips his pants, trying hard not to laugh as she and Sandra exchange looks of shock and disbelief that this is happening. Jenny takes his dick out from his boxers and starts stroking it. Dane moans in pleasure. Jenny strokes it for a little while as Sandra teases Dane verbally. Finally she asks if he wants his next surprise - it's a wet one. Dane says yes, he wants it so bad. Jenny looks to her friend for a moment uncertainly, but her friend urges her silently to go for it, and Jenny opens her mouth and swirls her tongue along the tip of her brother's dick. Ohhh! he moans in surprise. Ooh, Sandra says, so sensitive! Jenny goes further, starting to suck and lick her brother's hard cock. Sandra is careful to tease him verbally only when his sister pulls away momentarily, to keep the ruse going. Finally, Sandra says she has one more surprise for him, a really... tight surprise. Jenny looks at her friend in surprise and shakes her head, mouthing no, it's too much. Sandra says out loud in a flirty voice, 'Do you trust me?', clearly talking to Jenny but making Dane believe she's asking him. Sandra is about to say no again, but Dane interrupts saying yeah, he trusts her, do it! Jenny bites her lip and looks over at her brother, then her friend, who is nodding vigorously with an evil glint in her eye.

IT SLIPPED IN TEEN AND HER BFF TRICK MEAN BROTHER INTO FUCKING HIS SISTER Jenny (Carolina Sweets) and her friend Sandra (Whitney Wright) are giggling and gossiping in Jenny's room as they study for an upcoming text, textbooks sprawled across the bed and floor. Jenny comes across as much shyer than her friend, who is proudly listing off her sexual conquests - Jenny marvels at how experienced she is for being just 19 (even at times being shocked at the perverse things her friend is admitting to have done) and especially how nonchalant she is about it. Sandra asks, well what about her, surely she has SOME kiss-and-tell stories she can share? Jenny admits not really, she's kissed a few boys but never anything more serious than some over-the-clothes fondling. It's about then that Dane (Lucas Frost) is walking past in the hallway and butts into the conversation. He remarks that it's no wonder that nobody is ever going to have sex with Jenny when she looks so ugly, she's unfuckable. Jenny tries to tell her older step-brother to stop, but clearly has trouble standing up to him, and Sandra looks on silently fuming as Dane takes advantage of his younger step-sister's shyness to talk over her and continue to pick on her. He makes fun of her nerdy clothing, saying it looks more like what someone in their sixties would wear, not someone who's barely 18. He makes fun of her glasses. He says that he's glad he's not really related to her because he'd hate to think if his future kids had a chance of looking anything like her. Finally, Jenny loses her calm and shrieks at him to leave. Dane ends the conversation with a final insult, telling her to go back to studying since books are the only thing that are as dull as she is. When he's gone, Sandra stops holding her tongue and tells her friend that she can't believe how horrible Jenny's older step-brother is. How long has she been putting up with that? Jenny says ever since he moved in with them, two years ago. Sandra tells her that she would never put up with that kind of torment, and Jenny confesses she feels like she has no choice, he's so loud and rude and she's so quiet and reserved that he basically can walk all over her. Sandra tells her that he needs to be taught a lesson, she doesn't deserve that kind of treatment and he'll just keep doing it until he sees there are consequences for his actions. Besides, she says, what if he's doing this kind of thing to other poor girls at school? Hearing this, Jenny starts to grow a backbone - her friend is right, she would never want anybody else to feel as shitty as he makes her feel. But what could she possibly do to make him so regretful that he would never think of tormenting her again? He obviously doesn't feel bad when she cries or tells him to stop. No, Sandra agrees, bullies like that only understand one language, and that's an eye for an eye. He's been humiliating her, so she needs to do something to make him feel humiliated back. Something that's the ultimate revenge for telling her nobody would have sex with her, something that he'll remember every single time he sees her that'll trigger him. Like what? Jenny asks. Sandra gets a devious look in her eye and says she knows just the thing. TITLE PLATE Sandra plays innocent as she walks down the hall towards Dane's room, where he is taking a shower. She waits until he comes out, surprising him. 'Whatcha doing?' Sandra says with a flirty smile. Oh, he says, he thought she was his step-sister. Aren't the two of them supposed to be studying for some big test? Sandra says yes, but they're going to be studying all night, and she needed a break. But Jenny wants to keep going and doesn't want a break. Such a nerd, huh!? she says lightly. Dane chuckles and agrees. Aren't they friends though? Sandra says kinda, and explains that that's the thing about friends, is it pays off to keep a wide circle of 'friends' who can each give her something she doesn't already have. Like the answers to all the tests, she says with a wink. Dane laughs and shakes his head, impressed at her bluntness. Or, she continues, like a cute older brother who she can blow off some steam with during a study break. Dane looks up at her, surprised and speechless, clearly not used to getting hit on despite all his bravado. She moves in closer to him, crossing the threshold into his room. 'You know,' she says, 'we could be 'friends' too...' She starts to squat lower to meet his eye level, and she moves her hand to crawl her fingers up his knee like a spider. 'I bet YOU could give me something I don't already have, too...' she says seductively as her hand goes towards his inner thigh, almost right up to his crotch. He chuckles nervously, here? Now? What if his sister comes looking for her? Sandra smiles and says she's got her nose buried in books, she won't be going anywhere. So what does he say, does he want to have a little fun? Dane nods nervously but enthusiastically. Sandra starts playing with his chest over his clothes and giggling as she feels him up. She lifts his shirt up slightly, ooh, she giggles, a six-pack. He blushes and tries to boast a bit lamely saying yeah, he works out a lot. She then starts unbuttoning his pants, saying what other fun surprises is she going to find. Then her face brightens and she says she has an idea, why doesn't she give him a couple of surprises of her own? Wouldn't it be fun if he doesn't see what she's doing? That way she could give him all sorts of fun surprises, things she's sure he's going to like. Dane seems hesitant, so Sandra continues to coax him, saying that she's heard that all the other senses are heightened when you can't see what's going on. Hearing... TOUCH, she says, as she strokes his leg with her hand... tasssste, she says, as she moves her lips inches away from his tauntingly. Dane breathes heavily and says o-okay, sure. Sandra gives him a flirty compliment saying he's so brave, willing to try something new, she likes that. She gets him to close his eyes - or, optionally, perhaps she lifts his shirt and pulls it over his head so that the shirt covers his face. Now, she says, lie back and relax. As Dane gets comfortable, Sandra gestures outside to the hall for someone to approach. Jenny tiptoes into the room, careful not to make any noise, and Sandra helps her get into position right where she was kneeling. 'Now,' Sandra says from just beside Jenny to confuse the brother, 'are you ready?' Yeah, the brother says with his eyes covered, he's so ready! Jenny unzips his pants, trying hard not to laugh as she and Sandra exchange looks of shock and disbelief that this is happening. Jenny takes his dick out from his boxers and starts stroking it. Dane moans in pleasure. Jenny strokes it for a little while as Sandra teases Dane verbally. Finally she asks if he wants his next surprise - it's a wet one. Dane says yes, he wants it so bad. Jenny looks to her friend for a moment uncertainly, but her friend urges her silently to go for it, and Jenny opens her mouth and swirls her tongue along the tip of her brother's dick. Ohhh! he moans in surprise. Ooh, Sandra says, so sensitive! Jenny goes further, starting to suck and lick her brother's hard cock. Sandra is careful to tease him verbally only when his sister pulls away momentarily, to keep the ruse going. Finally, Sandra says she has one more surprise for him, a really... tight surprise. Jenny looks at her friend in surprise and shakes her head, mouthing no, it's too much. Sandra says out loud in a flirty voice, 'Do you trust me?', clearly talking to Jenny but making Dane believe she's asking him. Sandra is about to say no again, but Dane interrupts saying yeah, he trusts her, do it! Jenny bites her lip and looks over at her brother, then her friend, who is nodding vigorously with an evil glint in her eye.

4 years ago 2827 6:14
'Submission is a choice, born of free will and made from a place of strength. It is a deep-seated need to serve the one who has earned your obedience through patience, respect and trust.' -Unknown We watch a beautiful, submissive housewife (Casey Calvert) getting ready for her husband (Seth Gamble) to get home from work. She is dressed in a retro floral dress and apron with white stockings that highlights her purity. The house is ultra-modern, which contrasts with the woman's pinup style and old-fashioned accessories, as if she was transplanted from the 1950s into the modern world. When she's done vacuuming and dusting, the housewife fills a crystal bowl with milk and saunters to the bedroom with a doting smile. Her pet (Whitney Wright), a young woman dressed in tight leather with a crystal collar clasped around her neck, stirs on the bed. As the housewife sets the bowl on the floor and sits with her pet, the pet nuzzles in close before crawling off the bed to lap at the milk. The housewife admires her darling, obedient pet before leaving the room, with the pet crawling on all fours after her. It's almost time for the husband to arrive, and they're both eager to greet him after his long day at work. When the husband steps in through the door, wearing a handsome suit and fedora, he is greeted by his pretty housewife and pet. Once he makes himself comfortable on the sofa, he's in heaven as he strokes his pet's hair while his housewife makes sure he has everything he needs. Of course, there's just one more thing he needs to really take away the stress of the day... and both his housewife and pet are all too willing to deliver. 'My will is yours. My mind is yours. My body is yours. My heart is yours. My fears belong to you. My desires belong to you. My release belongs to you. My surrender belongs to you. I submit to you. I am yours. But know this... You are also mine.'

'Submission is a choice, born of free will and made from a place of strength. It is a deep-seated need to serve the one who has earned your obedience through patience, respect and trust.' -Unknown We watch a beautiful, submissive housewife (Casey Calvert) getting ready for her husband (Seth Gamble) to get home from work. She is dressed in a retro floral dress and apron with white stockings that highlights her purity. The house is ultra-modern, which contrasts with the woman's pinup style and old-fashioned accessories, as if she was transplanted from the 1950s into the modern world. When she's done vacuuming and dusting, the housewife fills a crystal bowl with milk and saunters to the bedroom with a doting smile. Her pet (Whitney Wright), a young woman dressed in tight leather with a crystal collar clasped around her neck, stirs on the bed. As the housewife sets the bowl on the floor and sits with her pet, the pet nuzzles in close before crawling off the bed to lap at the milk. The housewife admires her darling, obedient pet before leaving the room, with the pet crawling on all fours after her. It's almost time for the husband to arrive, and they're both eager to greet him after his long day at work. When the husband steps in through the door, wearing a handsome suit and fedora, he is greeted by his pretty housewife and pet. Once he makes himself comfortable on the sofa, he's in heaven as he strokes his pet's hair while his housewife makes sure he has everything he needs. Of course, there's just one more thing he needs to really take away the stress of the day... and both his housewife and pet are all too willing to deliver. 'My will is yours. My mind is yours. My body is yours. My heart is yours. My fears belong to you. My desires belong to you. My release belongs to you. My surrender belongs to you. I submit to you. I am yours. But know this... You are also mine.'

4 years ago 913 6:14
Later that night, Heather (Kristen Scott) texts Lola (Jill Kassidy) to meet. When the girls get together, Heather shows her the video and threatens to expose the girl and her teacher unless she meets her demands. This sends Lola into a panic and, before she knows it, she's hit Heather over the head and knocked her out. She knows Mr. Davies (Charles Dera) is with his wife (Cherie DeVille) but doesn't know what to do ... so she calls him at home anyway. Meanwhile, Mr. Davies is having sex with his wife when the phone rings. It's his teenage lover having a complete freak out. In a desperate attempt to calm her down and not raise suspicions, Mr. Davies tells her to put Heather in her car and meet him at his family's cottage. He makes up an excuse to his wife and takes off. When he arrives there, Mr. Davies bring the girl inside while Lola is crying out of stress and start to talk over what to do next. Mr. Davies knows that he is in serious trouble, not only with the school board but as an accessory to a kidnapping, so he tries to remain level headed. But his teen girlfriend is having a complete panic attack so he ends up putting her to bed too. While he paces back and forth to think of a plan in the other room, Heather wakes up. Realizing what has happened to her, she decides to confront the teacher. She uses the victim card and ends up persuading him into fucking her too ... which he does.Later that night, Heather (Kristen Scott) texts Lola (Jill Kassidy) to meet. When the girls get together, Heather shows her the video and threatens to expose the girl and her teacher unless she meets her demands. This sends Lola into a panic and, before she knows it, she's hit Heather over the head and knocked her out. She knows Mr. Davies (Charles Dera) is with his wife (Cherie DeVille) but doesn't know what to do ... so she calls him at home anyway. Meanwhile, Mr. Davies is having sex with his wife when the phone rings. It's his teenage lover having a complete freak out. In a desperate attempt to calm her down and not raise suspicions, Mr. Davies tells her to put Heather in her car and meet him at his family's cottage. He makes up an excuse to his wife and takes off. When he arrives there, Mr. Davies bring the girl inside while Lola is crying out of stress and start to talk over what to do next. Mr. Davies knows that he is in serious trouble, not only with the school board but as an accessory to a kidnapping, so he tries to remain level headed. But his teen girlfriend is having a complete panic attack so he ends up putting her to bed too. While he paces back and forth to think of a plan in the other room, Heather wakes up. Realizing what has happened to her, she decides to confront the teacher. She uses the victim card and ends up persuading him into fucking her too ... which he does.

Later that night, Heather (Kristen Scott) texts Lola (Jill Kassidy) to meet. When the girls get together, Heather shows her the video and threatens to expose the girl and her teacher unless she meets her demands. This sends Lola into a panic and, before she knows it, she's hit Heather over the head and knocked her out. She knows Mr. Davies (Charles Dera) is with his wife (Cherie DeVille) but doesn't know what to do ... so she calls him at home anyway. Meanwhile, Mr. Davies is having sex with his wife when the phone rings. It's his teenage lover having a complete freak out. In a desperate attempt to calm her down and not raise suspicions, Mr. Davies tells her to put Heather in her car and meet him at his family's cottage. He makes up an excuse to his wife and takes off. When he arrives there, Mr. Davies bring the girl inside while Lola is crying out of stress and start to talk over what to do next. Mr. Davies knows that he is in serious trouble, not only with the school board but as an accessory to a kidnapping, so he tries to remain level headed. But his teen girlfriend is having a complete panic attack so he ends up putting her to bed too. While he paces back and forth to think of a plan in the other room, Heather wakes up. Realizing what has happened to her, she decides to confront the teacher. She uses the victim card and ends up persuading him into fucking her too ... which he does.Later that night, Heather (Kristen Scott) texts Lola (Jill Kassidy) to meet. When the girls get together, Heather shows her the video and threatens to expose the girl and her teacher unless she meets her demands. This sends Lola into a panic and, before she knows it, she's hit Heather over the head and knocked her out. She knows Mr. Davies (Charles Dera) is with his wife (Cherie DeVille) but doesn't know what to do ... so she calls him at home anyway. Meanwhile, Mr. Davies is having sex with his wife when the phone rings. It's his teenage lover having a complete freak out. In a desperate attempt to calm her down and not raise suspicions, Mr. Davies tells her to put Heather in her car and meet him at his family's cottage. He makes up an excuse to his wife and takes off. When he arrives there, Mr. Davies bring the girl inside while Lola is crying out of stress and start to talk over what to do next. Mr. Davies knows that he is in serious trouble, not only with the school board but as an accessory to a kidnapping, so he tries to remain level headed. But his teen girlfriend is having a complete panic attack so he ends up putting her to bed too. While he paces back and forth to think of a plan in the other room, Heather wakes up. Realizing what has happened to her, she decides to confront the teacher. She uses the victim card and ends up persuading him into fucking her too ... which he does.

4 years ago 1357 6:14