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'Time is the longest distance between two places.' \u2015 Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD Desperate Man Uses Time-Freezing Tech To Have Sex With Crush SCENE OPENS on Ted (Justin Hunt), who is in his room, preparing for a dinner party for his friend Gabi's birthday. There is the sound of a Newton's Cradle which we see clacking in the foreground on his desk. We can also hear the faint sounds of a cityscape through his bedroom window. Ted is nervous and adjusting his clothes. He is rehearsing in front of the mirror, trying to come up with a way to express his love for his best friend Gabi and to convince her to break up with her longtime boyfriend Drake. He retrieves a pocket watch that he got for Gabi's birthday. He thinks it's broken and manhandles it, accidentally uncovering a secret compartment that emits a strange effect as it opens. The distortion effect ripples out across the screen like a shockwave. Sound and movement slow to a stop for everyone but Ted. Ted is confused, looks around the room, sees that his clock is no longer moving. He remarks that it's weird the clock stopped. He feels something is amiss and sees that the Newton's Cradle has stopped in mid swing. He can't believe what he's seeing, and pulls back a bit in fear. Ted leans in to peer and scrutinize the Newton's Cradle with shock and curiosity. Ted looks in wonder and cautiously reaches a hand out. He touches the Cradle. At his touch, the balls instantly start to swing again, the clacking sound whooshing back. Ted stares for a moment at the moving Cradle, then something catches his attention out the window. He goes to look out the window. 'What...the...hell? Everything's just...STOPPED. The birds...the people. Nothing's...MOVING. Th-that's IMPOSSIBLE. It's like time is just...FROZEN,' Ted says in stunned disbelief. Ted looks down at his hand, only now noticing he still is idly holding the open watch in his hand. It starts to dawn on him that the watch did this. He looks out at the frozen city in awe, gazing back and forth between the city and the watch a few times. He seems to get an idea. As he stares out the window, he snaps the clock closed. Instantaneously, the sounds of the cityscape whoosh back in and the clock hand begins moving again. Everything has become unfrozen. Ted stares, stunned into silence, for several seconds. 'Gabi...' he finally whispers. CUT TO TITLE CUT TO another day. Gabi's birthday dinner party is in full swing. Gabi (Alina Lopez) sits beside Drake (Nathan Bronson) at the dinner table. Ted sits across from Gabi. Their mutual friends Pat and Leslie sit around them, and everybody but Ted are clearly enjoying themselves, engaged in light and lively conversation, laughing and joking. Ted seems withdrawn and distracted, spaced-out. He isn't talking to anyone, and instead keeps pulling the watch in and out of his pocket and looking at it under the table. As the other guests are busy, Gabi notices Ted's distraction. She touches his hand and asks what's wrong. Ted snaps out of his distraction, seemingly reminded of his strong feelings for Gabi. Ted is about to profess his love for Gabi when he is interrupted by Drake getting on bended knee in front of Gabi. He proposes and Gabi says yes as Ted panics. Ted's panic boils over and he makes a snap decision, activating the watch to freeze time. Sound and movement slow to a stop for everyone but Ted. Gabi's words cut off as she freezes, hand out. Ted gets up slowly from his chair and paces the room, slowly walking and examining the guests. He seems bitter and disgusted at their happy expressions. He looks at Gabi first, then over to Drake with jealousy, then enters the kitchen briefly to circle Pat and Leslie making sure they're frozen - waving his hand in front of their faces and snapping his fingers in front of their eyes. Ted takes a deep breath, exhaling heavily as he calms down, glancing at the pocket watch and considering what to do. Ted resumes his spot at the dining room table, sighing. He looks back at Gabi, Drake beside her, her hand held out to Ted showing off the ring. His expression turns possessive as he gazes at her. He readies himself and reaches out to touch her outstretched hand. Gabi unfreezes and immediately panics when she discovers everyone else is frozen except her and Ted. She tries to wake Drake up but can't. Ted explains that the pocket watch can stop time. Ted finally professes his love for Gabi, thinking she will reciprocate, but she doesn't. He reveals that he stopped time so that they could be together forever. Gabi is freaked out. Ted feels betrayed and hurt that she doesn't share his feelings. He threatens to smash the watch unless she fucks him. Gabi, full of resentment, agrees to have sex - 'You aren't the person I thought you were, Ted... I'll have sex with you, but I could NEVER love you after this.' Ted tells her that she'll see, she'll change her mind. She tries to lead him to the bedroom. Ted says that he wants them to do it in front of Drake so he can prove to Gabi he's a better lover than Drake. Gabi is appalled but reluctantly agrees. Ted's going to take his time with Gabi. They DO have all the time in the world, after all.

'Time is the longest distance between two places.' \u2015 Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD Desperate Man Uses Time-Freezing Tech To Have Sex With Crush SCENE OPENS on Ted (Justin Hunt), who is in his room, preparing for a dinner party for his friend Gabi's birthday. There is the sound of a Newton's Cradle which we see clacking in the foreground on his desk. We can also hear the faint sounds of a cityscape through his bedroom window. Ted is nervous and adjusting his clothes. He is rehearsing in front of the mirror, trying to come up with a way to express his love for his best friend Gabi and to convince her to break up with her longtime boyfriend Drake. He retrieves a pocket watch that he got for Gabi's birthday. He thinks it's broken and manhandles it, accidentally uncovering a secret compartment that emits a strange effect as it opens. The distortion effect ripples out across the screen like a shockwave. Sound and movement slow to a stop for everyone but Ted. Ted is confused, looks around the room, sees that his clock is no longer moving. He remarks that it's weird the clock stopped. He feels something is amiss and sees that the Newton's Cradle has stopped in mid swing. He can't believe what he's seeing, and pulls back a bit in fear. Ted leans in to peer and scrutinize the Newton's Cradle with shock and curiosity. Ted looks in wonder and cautiously reaches a hand out. He touches the Cradle. At his touch, the balls instantly start to swing again, the clacking sound whooshing back. Ted stares for a moment at the moving Cradle, then something catches his attention out the window. He goes to look out the window. 'What...the...hell? Everything's just...STOPPED. The birds...the people. Nothing's...MOVING. Th-that's IMPOSSIBLE. It's like time is just...FROZEN,' Ted says in stunned disbelief. Ted looks down at his hand, only now noticing he still is idly holding the open watch in his hand. It starts to dawn on him that the watch did this. He looks out at the frozen city in awe, gazing back and forth between the city and the watch a few times. He seems to get an idea. As he stares out the window, he snaps the clock closed. Instantaneously, the sounds of the cityscape whoosh back in and the clock hand begins moving again. Everything has become unfrozen. Ted stares, stunned into silence, for several seconds. 'Gabi...' he finally whispers. CUT TO TITLE CUT TO another day. Gabi's birthday dinner party is in full swing. Gabi (Alina Lopez) sits beside Drake (Nathan Bronson) at the dinner table. Ted sits across from Gabi. Their mutual friends Pat and Leslie sit around them, and everybody but Ted are clearly enjoying themselves, engaged in light and lively conversation, laughing and joking. Ted seems withdrawn and distracted, spaced-out. He isn't talking to anyone, and instead keeps pulling the watch in and out of his pocket and looking at it under the table. As the other guests are busy, Gabi notices Ted's distraction. She touches his hand and asks what's wrong. Ted snaps out of his distraction, seemingly reminded of his strong feelings for Gabi. Ted is about to profess his love for Gabi when he is interrupted by Drake getting on bended knee in front of Gabi. He proposes and Gabi says yes as Ted panics. Ted's panic boils over and he makes a snap decision, activating the watch to freeze time. Sound and movement slow to a stop for everyone but Ted. Gabi's words cut off as she freezes, hand out. Ted gets up slowly from his chair and paces the room, slowly walking and examining the guests. He seems bitter and disgusted at their happy expressions. He looks at Gabi first, then over to Drake with jealousy, then enters the kitchen briefly to circle Pat and Leslie making sure they're frozen - waving his hand in front of their faces and snapping his fingers in front of their eyes. Ted takes a deep breath, exhaling heavily as he calms down, glancing at the pocket watch and considering what to do. Ted resumes his spot at the dining room table, sighing. He looks back at Gabi, Drake beside her, her hand held out to Ted showing off the ring. His expression turns possessive as he gazes at her. He readies himself and reaches out to touch her outstretched hand. Gabi unfreezes and immediately panics when she discovers everyone else is frozen except her and Ted. She tries to wake Drake up but can't. Ted explains that the pocket watch can stop time. Ted finally professes his love for Gabi, thinking she will reciprocate, but she doesn't. He reveals that he stopped time so that they could be together forever. Gabi is freaked out. Ted feels betrayed and hurt that she doesn't share his feelings. He threatens to smash the watch unless she fucks him. Gabi, full of resentment, agrees to have sex - 'You aren't the person I thought you were, Ted... I'll have sex with you, but I could NEVER love you after this.' Ted tells her that she'll see, she'll change her mind. She tries to lead him to the bedroom. Ted says that he wants them to do it in front of Drake so he can prove to Gabi he's a better lover than Drake. Gabi is appalled but reluctantly agrees. Ted's going to take his time with Gabi. They DO have all the time in the world, after all.

4 years ago 3814 6:14
IMMERSION THERAPY: A JAY TAYLOR STORY WOMAN AGREES TO INTENSIVE DP THERAPY SESSION TO CURE PHOBIAS Scene opens on Erin (Jay Taylor), a 25-year-old woman, as she sits on a couch immersed in herself. She's dressed in loose loungewear, her body language nervous and uncomfortable, while her therapist, Daniella (Angela White), talks to her. But Erin isn't listening. She's more engrossed in her own thoughts, her foot tapping, her fingers scratching an itch on her arm. Daniella addresses her more clearly, 'Erin?' The woman snaps to attention, but still remains closed off. The therapist continues, 'I really need you to pay attention and work with me today. If I'm being honest, I'm running out of ideas on how to continue. Now, did you do the homework I assigned last session?' Erin frowns. CUT to a flashback. Erin stands in front of a mirror and slowly undresses. Her naked body elicits no response from her. While she dutifully starts to run her hands over herself, she looks away as though trying to pretend something else more interesting is happening on the wall. She clumsily squeezes her own breasts, but when she tries to explore between her legs she recoils as if disgusted. CUT back to the therapist's office. Erin slowly responds to the question, 'Um... I went as far as I could.' Daniella is almost at a loss, and though her words are measured, she is frustrated, 'Okay ... What is it about your own body that repulses you?' Erin stiffens, she doesn't want to answer this question again. 'It's not MY body. It's anyone's body! They're so messy, so bestial. The way they look, feel, smell, sound...' Daniella interrupts her almost absent-mindedly, 'And taste? Erin, this is becoming almost beyond what I can help you with in my practice. I have one more technique we could try, but it is going to be more intensive than our other methods so far. So, I would need you to commit wholeheartedly.' Daniella's offer intrigues Erin. She sits up, focused. 'I don't want to go to anyone else. I'm willing to do whatever you think we need to do.' Daniella smiles, 'Excellent. I'll prepare the consent forms.' CUT TO TITLE PLATE Erin sits on the floor of the therapist's office, the desk pushed back, and a selection of pillows and blankets now artfully arranged around her. She seems curious but apprehensive, clutching the consent form in her hand as Daniella finishes laying out the space. 'Excellent, this should give us the comfortable setting we require,' she says, motioning to Erin to hand over the form. The patient does so, and Daniella scans it to confirm all the fields are complete. 'Good,' She says, putting it on the desk. 'Now, I need you to trust me. You want to get better, yes?' Erin nods, and Daniella continues, 'Good. Why don't we get a little more comfortable? Take your sweater off, and I'll do the same.' Erin hesitates for just a moment, before both women remove an outer layer of clothing. This leaves Erin in a tank top and Daniella in a bra. Erin tries not to stare at her breasts. She feels incredibly anxious but Daniella smiles, 'Wonderful. Look at how far you've come already. Now, just mirror what I do.' She starts caressing her own body, starting benignly with her arms and waist, then moving to her breasts. Every time Erin pauses or panics, she encourages her. They continue touching themselves, first their legs, then between them. Erin finally relaxes into this and they masturbate without touching each other. When they begin getting close to climax, a young man (Seth Gamble) enters the room silently and slips behind Daniella to fondle her breasts. Erin is startled, but Daniella quickly calms her, 'Don't mind him! He's just my assistant. An extra pair of hands. Focus on me!' Erin's eyes lock back onto hers and she continues cautiously masturbating. After a few moments of this, Daniella asks Erin to undress from the waist down. Erin complies and slips her leggings and panties off. She resumes masturbating as Daniella bends over and the man starts to go down on Daniella from behind. Erin is completely focused on Daniella and continues to masturbate. Erin can imagine what is happening to her therapist, but she can't see it, so Daniella describes it to her ... building up to asking Erin if she wants to know what it feels like too. Erin nervously says yes. Daniella gracefully crawls over to Erin. She spreads Erin's legs, eating her pussy as Erin shudders with pleasure. At the same time, the man begins to fuck Daniella from behind. Soon, all three of them are moaning with ecstasy when another young man (Codey Steele) enters. He walks up to Erin and asks if he can remove her top. Daniella reassures her again that he is another assistant, here to support them during their session. She should continue to focus on her and relax. Erin slowly says yes. The second assistant removes Erin's top, squeezing her tits. The first assistant slides his cock out of Daniella and she begins to suck it. When the second assistant walks around to face Erin, Daniella again instructs Erin to mirror her. Erin starts to suck the second assistant's cock, and Daniella talks her through it, getting her in touch with her carnal side, but their focus remains on each other. As Erin continues to suck the second assistant's cock, Daniella gets on top of her assistant and begins riding him as she faces Erin. She coaxes Erin down to get on all fours, close enough where the two women can almost kiss. The second assistant gets behind Erin and slides his dick into her. The second assistant fucks Erin as she squeals loudly. But unbeknownst to Erin, his dick isn't going to be the only cock penetrating her body today. Is Erin ready for the FINAL phase of her immersion therapy?

IMMERSION THERAPY: A JAY TAYLOR STORY WOMAN AGREES TO INTENSIVE DP THERAPY SESSION TO CURE PHOBIAS Scene opens on Erin (Jay Taylor), a 25-year-old woman, as she sits on a couch immersed in herself. She's dressed in loose loungewear, her body language nervous and uncomfortable, while her therapist, Daniella (Angela White), talks to her. But Erin isn't listening. She's more engrossed in her own thoughts, her foot tapping, her fingers scratching an itch on her arm. Daniella addresses her more clearly, 'Erin?' The woman snaps to attention, but still remains closed off. The therapist continues, 'I really need you to pay attention and work with me today. If I'm being honest, I'm running out of ideas on how to continue. Now, did you do the homework I assigned last session?' Erin frowns. CUT to a flashback. Erin stands in front of a mirror and slowly undresses. Her naked body elicits no response from her. While she dutifully starts to run her hands over herself, she looks away as though trying to pretend something else more interesting is happening on the wall. She clumsily squeezes her own breasts, but when she tries to explore between her legs she recoils as if disgusted. CUT back to the therapist's office. Erin slowly responds to the question, 'Um... I went as far as I could.' Daniella is almost at a loss, and though her words are measured, she is frustrated, 'Okay ... What is it about your own body that repulses you?' Erin stiffens, she doesn't want to answer this question again. 'It's not MY body. It's anyone's body! They're so messy, so bestial. The way they look, feel, smell, sound...' Daniella interrupts her almost absent-mindedly, 'And taste? Erin, this is becoming almost beyond what I can help you with in my practice. I have one more technique we could try, but it is going to be more intensive than our other methods so far. So, I would need you to commit wholeheartedly.' Daniella's offer intrigues Erin. She sits up, focused. 'I don't want to go to anyone else. I'm willing to do whatever you think we need to do.' Daniella smiles, 'Excellent. I'll prepare the consent forms.' CUT TO TITLE PLATE Erin sits on the floor of the therapist's office, the desk pushed back, and a selection of pillows and blankets now artfully arranged around her. She seems curious but apprehensive, clutching the consent form in her hand as Daniella finishes laying out the space. 'Excellent, this should give us the comfortable setting we require,' she says, motioning to Erin to hand over the form. The patient does so, and Daniella scans it to confirm all the fields are complete. 'Good,' She says, putting it on the desk. 'Now, I need you to trust me. You want to get better, yes?' Erin nods, and Daniella continues, 'Good. Why don't we get a little more comfortable? Take your sweater off, and I'll do the same.' Erin hesitates for just a moment, before both women remove an outer layer of clothing. This leaves Erin in a tank top and Daniella in a bra. Erin tries not to stare at her breasts. She feels incredibly anxious but Daniella smiles, 'Wonderful. Look at how far you've come already. Now, just mirror what I do.' She starts caressing her own body, starting benignly with her arms and waist, then moving to her breasts. Every time Erin pauses or panics, she encourages her. They continue touching themselves, first their legs, then between them. Erin finally relaxes into this and they masturbate without touching each other. When they begin getting close to climax, a young man (Seth Gamble) enters the room silently and slips behind Daniella to fondle her breasts. Erin is startled, but Daniella quickly calms her, 'Don't mind him! He's just my assistant. An extra pair of hands. Focus on me!' Erin's eyes lock back onto hers and she continues cautiously masturbating. After a few moments of this, Daniella asks Erin to undress from the waist down. Erin complies and slips her leggings and panties off. She resumes masturbating as Daniella bends over and the man starts to go down on Daniella from behind. Erin is completely focused on Daniella and continues to masturbate. Erin can imagine what is happening to her therapist, but she can't see it, so Daniella describes it to her ... building up to asking Erin if she wants to know what it feels like too. Erin nervously says yes. Daniella gracefully crawls over to Erin. She spreads Erin's legs, eating her pussy as Erin shudders with pleasure. At the same time, the man begins to fuck Daniella from behind. Soon, all three of them are moaning with ecstasy when another young man (Codey Steele) enters. He walks up to Erin and asks if he can remove her top. Daniella reassures her again that he is another assistant, here to support them during their session. She should continue to focus on her and relax. Erin slowly says yes. The second assistant removes Erin's top, squeezing her tits. The first assistant slides his cock out of Daniella and she begins to suck it. When the second assistant walks around to face Erin, Daniella again instructs Erin to mirror her. Erin starts to suck the second assistant's cock, and Daniella talks her through it, getting her in touch with her carnal side, but their focus remains on each other. As Erin continues to suck the second assistant's cock, Daniella gets on top of her assistant and begins riding him as she faces Erin. She coaxes Erin down to get on all fours, close enough where the two women can almost kiss. The second assistant gets behind Erin and slides his dick into her. The second assistant fucks Erin as she squeals loudly. But unbeknownst to Erin, his dick isn't going to be the only cock penetrating her body today. Is Erin ready for the FINAL phase of her immersion therapy?

4 years ago 1565 6:14
THE AURA DOLL WOMAN AGREES TO HAVE THREESOME SEX WITH MAN AND SILICONE LOVE DOLL SCENE opens on the outdoor patio of a quiet caf\u00e9. Becca (Whitney Wright), a mild-mannered college student, sits quietly reading when her friend arrives with a pair of coffees. Putting her book aside, they hug and sit down to catch up, sipping their beverages and small talking about life and their plans for the next semester. Becca's phone suddenly buzzes. It's a notification from a dating site she's subscribed to, telling her she's got a new match. Becca looks embarrassed, but her friend encourages her to swipe and check out the man's profile. After all, she did say she wanted to get out more after her breakup, right? Becca nods. The man is handsome, older, and has messaged her, asking if she would be interested in a threesome with him and his girlfriend. The thought of this makes Becca blush but her friend encourages her to write back. 'That app is vetted, I use it all the time!' she says. 'What's the worst that's going to happen? You have a funny story to tell?' Becca bites her lip and asks for reassurance. Should she should really write him back? The friend nods. 'Totally,' she says, sipping her coffee as the camera pans down Becca's unsure face to the profile she is staring at. CUT TO TITLE PLATE Becca stands in the bathroom mirror, in her bra and panties. She is staring at herself, trying to psych herself up for her date when her phone buzzes again. The man she met on the app, Robert, has texted her directly. 'We can't wait to meet you tonight!' She bites her lip before turning back to stare at herself in the mirror. A slight smirk crosses her face. She's excited. Cut to Robert's house. Becca knocks and nervously straightens herself out, when Robert (Tommy Pistol) opens the door. He is calm and inviting, exclaiming how breathtakingly beautiful she is and extending his hand to lead her inside. The living room has been set up with candles and wine, which he offers, and she accepts. They small talk for a few minutes, mostly about how nervous and excited they both are. It's their first time doing this. Becca is very charmed by the mild-mannered man and even allows herself to get closer to him, as they both start to gear up for their hookup together. But someone is missing. She casually asks Robert where his girlfriend is. 'Oh, she's just in the next room,' he says confidently. 'We were putting the finishing touches on dinner. Would you like to meet her?' Becca nods and they stand up to walk in the other room, where a full dinner has been laid out on a nicely decorated dining table. A woman sits frozen at the end of the table, her back to Becca. Robert starts to rant about the lovely meal they have prepared and how excited his girlfriend, Harper, is about their night together while Becca stares at the woman's backside. A chill runs down her spine. Why isn't the woman moving? She slowly turns to look at the man whose hand is now grazing her back. 'Robert....?' She begins to say when, nervously, the man pulls Becca into the room fully to introduce Harper. A silicone love doll, dressed neatly in a party dress, has been propped up in a chair waiting for them. Becca's eyes go wide, and her mouth drops open in shock, as she backs away from the table and the man's grasp. 'What is wrong with you?' She gasps, grabbing her bag while he chases after her. Robert pleads with her to stop, to listen to him, to listen to them. Yes, it is an unconventional relationship, but his love for Harper goes far beyond just a toy. Since his actual wife died years ago, she has been his only true source of comfort. The only woman who wouldn't reject him. It was her attention and affection that helped him gain the confidence to start dating again. To try the app. It was her loyalty that made him feel like a whole person again. Couldn't she please just try to be understanding? She seemed so open-minded while they were chatting. Harper isn't just a doll, she is a real woman, just one made of silicone. If she would only stay and try it, she might even enjoy the experience. As Robert rambles on, Becca backs up to the door, her mind racing. She is able to stammer 'No thank you. I'm not interested. Please don't contact me again!' before running off into the night. That night, as Becca lies in bed, she dreams that Harper is lying beside her. In her dream, she begins to caress and kiss the silicone woman's body as the camera cuts back and forth between her fantasy and her tossing in her bed. Finally, she opens her eyes to find herself alone and breathing heavily. The next day, Becca sits beside her bed, distracted. She keeps picking up the phone but there has been no contact from Robert. She stares at his profile longingly, wishing she could see Harper's face too. Later that evening, Becca lays on her bed, looking at her laptop. She searches 'silicone woman' and pulls up a website called Scrolling through it, she discovers the Harper model and stares at it. She can't help but be turned on by the thought of being with her. She knows what she needs to do. She closes the laptop and, grabbing her purse, leaves the apartment. Robert sits in his bedroom, quietly reading beside Harper, when he hears someone slam the front door and run up his stairs. Nervously, he gets out of bed to confront them when Becca appears in his bedroom doorway. She is frazzled and full of adrenaline. 'Becca! How did you get in here?' He asks, confused. She walks up and kisses him boldly on the mouth. 'I let myself in, I hope you don't mind.' She whispers. It's the first time a real woman has kissed him in years and Robert melts at her touch. She looks at the doll sitting in the bed. 'I want to try it,' she whispers in his ear. Robert starts to tear up, as he looks at the two women in his bedroom. He takes Becca's hand and pulls back the cover to his bed to invite her in. Tentatively, Becca begins to caress Harper's face, asking Robert if she can kiss Harper. Robert hops onto the bed and puts his arm around Harper, telling Becca that she's very affectionate. Becca climbs up onto the bed and moves towards Harper. She confesses to Robert that she's very nervous, but he reassures her, telling her that there's nothing to be nervous about. Becca can treat her like a real person. Becca delicately kisses Harper's soft lips before turning her attention to Robert and kissing him. Soon the two pull away from each other and slowly peel the negligee off of Harper's chest. Robert leads Becca in caressing Harper's full breasts as Becca gasps. Robert takes off Becca's shirt as she lays down next to Harper. Slipping off the rest of Becca's clothes, Robert trails kisses down her thighs, lightly tonguing her clit before spreading Harper's legs and licking her pussy. Alternating between Harper and Becca, Robert eats both of them out hungrily. Becca may have been hesitant at first, but now that she's gotten to know Harper, can she ever live without the Aura Doll again?

THE AURA DOLL WOMAN AGREES TO HAVE THREESOME SEX WITH MAN AND SILICONE LOVE DOLL SCENE opens on the outdoor patio of a quiet caf\u00e9. Becca (Whitney Wright), a mild-mannered college student, sits quietly reading when her friend arrives with a pair of coffees. Putting her book aside, they hug and sit down to catch up, sipping their beverages and small talking about life and their plans for the next semester. Becca's phone suddenly buzzes. It's a notification from a dating site she's subscribed to, telling her she's got a new match. Becca looks embarrassed, but her friend encourages her to swipe and check out the man's profile. After all, she did say she wanted to get out more after her breakup, right? Becca nods. The man is handsome, older, and has messaged her, asking if she would be interested in a threesome with him and his girlfriend. The thought of this makes Becca blush but her friend encourages her to write back. 'That app is vetted, I use it all the time!' she says. 'What's the worst that's going to happen? You have a funny story to tell?' Becca bites her lip and asks for reassurance. Should she should really write him back? The friend nods. 'Totally,' she says, sipping her coffee as the camera pans down Becca's unsure face to the profile she is staring at. CUT TO TITLE PLATE Becca stands in the bathroom mirror, in her bra and panties. She is staring at herself, trying to psych herself up for her date when her phone buzzes again. The man she met on the app, Robert, has texted her directly. 'We can't wait to meet you tonight!' She bites her lip before turning back to stare at herself in the mirror. A slight smirk crosses her face. She's excited. Cut to Robert's house. Becca knocks and nervously straightens herself out, when Robert (Tommy Pistol) opens the door. He is calm and inviting, exclaiming how breathtakingly beautiful she is and extending his hand to lead her inside. The living room has been set up with candles and wine, which he offers, and she accepts. They small talk for a few minutes, mostly about how nervous and excited they both are. It's their first time doing this. Becca is very charmed by the mild-mannered man and even allows herself to get closer to him, as they both start to gear up for their hookup together. But someone is missing. She casually asks Robert where his girlfriend is. 'Oh, she's just in the next room,' he says confidently. 'We were putting the finishing touches on dinner. Would you like to meet her?' Becca nods and they stand up to walk in the other room, where a full dinner has been laid out on a nicely decorated dining table. A woman sits frozen at the end of the table, her back to Becca. Robert starts to rant about the lovely meal they have prepared and how excited his girlfriend, Harper, is about their night together while Becca stares at the woman's backside. A chill runs down her spine. Why isn't the woman moving? She slowly turns to look at the man whose hand is now grazing her back. 'Robert....?' She begins to say when, nervously, the man pulls Becca into the room fully to introduce Harper. A silicone love doll, dressed neatly in a party dress, has been propped up in a chair waiting for them. Becca's eyes go wide, and her mouth drops open in shock, as she backs away from the table and the man's grasp. 'What is wrong with you?' She gasps, grabbing her bag while he chases after her. Robert pleads with her to stop, to listen to him, to listen to them. Yes, it is an unconventional relationship, but his love for Harper goes far beyond just a toy. Since his actual wife died years ago, she has been his only true source of comfort. The only woman who wouldn't reject him. It was her attention and affection that helped him gain the confidence to start dating again. To try the app. It was her loyalty that made him feel like a whole person again. Couldn't she please just try to be understanding? She seemed so open-minded while they were chatting. Harper isn't just a doll, she is a real woman, just one made of silicone. If she would only stay and try it, she might even enjoy the experience. As Robert rambles on, Becca backs up to the door, her mind racing. She is able to stammer 'No thank you. I'm not interested. Please don't contact me again!' before running off into the night. That night, as Becca lies in bed, she dreams that Harper is lying beside her. In her dream, she begins to caress and kiss the silicone woman's body as the camera cuts back and forth between her fantasy and her tossing in her bed. Finally, she opens her eyes to find herself alone and breathing heavily. The next day, Becca sits beside her bed, distracted. She keeps picking up the phone but there has been no contact from Robert. She stares at his profile longingly, wishing she could see Harper's face too. Later that evening, Becca lays on her bed, looking at her laptop. She searches 'silicone woman' and pulls up a website called Scrolling through it, she discovers the Harper model and stares at it. She can't help but be turned on by the thought of being with her. She knows what she needs to do. She closes the laptop and, grabbing her purse, leaves the apartment. Robert sits in his bedroom, quietly reading beside Harper, when he hears someone slam the front door and run up his stairs. Nervously, he gets out of bed to confront them when Becca appears in his bedroom doorway. She is frazzled and full of adrenaline. 'Becca! How did you get in here?' He asks, confused. She walks up and kisses him boldly on the mouth. 'I let myself in, I hope you don't mind.' She whispers. It's the first time a real woman has kissed him in years and Robert melts at her touch. She looks at the doll sitting in the bed. 'I want to try it,' she whispers in his ear. Robert starts to tear up, as he looks at the two women in his bedroom. He takes Becca's hand and pulls back the cover to his bed to invite her in. Tentatively, Becca begins to caress Harper's face, asking Robert if she can kiss Harper. Robert hops onto the bed and puts his arm around Harper, telling Becca that she's very affectionate. Becca climbs up onto the bed and moves towards Harper. She confesses to Robert that she's very nervous, but he reassures her, telling her that there's nothing to be nervous about. Becca can treat her like a real person. Becca delicately kisses Harper's soft lips before turning her attention to Robert and kissing him. Soon the two pull away from each other and slowly peel the negligee off of Harper's chest. Robert leads Becca in caressing Harper's full breasts as Becca gasps. Robert takes off Becca's shirt as she lays down next to Harper. Slipping off the rest of Becca's clothes, Robert trails kisses down her thighs, lightly tonguing her clit before spreading Harper's legs and licking her pussy. Alternating between Harper and Becca, Robert eats both of them out hungrily. Becca may have been hesitant at first, but now that she's gotten to know Harper, can she ever live without the Aura Doll again?

4 years ago 9587 6:15