
Bester Porno von Alina Lopez

Gesamtzahl der Videos: 43
Alina Lopez is on the phone solidifying her plans for a big party. Her parents are out of town and she's planning on taking full advantage. As she juggles all her incoming calls, someone knocks at her bedroom door. Baffled since she's home alone, she introduces herself and asks the stranger who she is. Carter Cruise introduces herself as the babysitter Alina's mom hired to look after her. Alina can't believe her mother would hire a babysitter; she just turned 18! When Alina asks Carter if she's going to stay the whole weekend, Carter confirms her suspicions. Annoyed, Alina goes back to her room and calls her friends and cancels the party. Carter puts her purse down and walks into Alina's room and sits on her bed. Alina is really annoyed at the fact that she ruined her weekend and lets Carter have it. Carter tells her that she needs money for college and didn't mean to rain on her parade. Carter suggests they have a party of their own. Alina tells her she's not a lesbian and she's not into any of that stuff. Carter asks her if she thinks girls are pretty. Alina tells her that she does indeed but that doesn't mean she's into them. When Carter asks her if she's ever kissed one, Alina tells her she hasn't. Carter laughs, asking her that if she's never tried it then how could she possibly know if she likes it or not? When Carter tells Alina that she finds her pretty, Alina starts dropping her guard a little. When Carter starts kissing her neck, Alina finds herself liking it more than she thought she would!

Alina Lopez is on the phone solidifying her plans for a big party. Her parents are out of town and she's planning on taking full advantage. As she juggles all her incoming calls, someone knocks at her bedroom door. Baffled since she's home alone, she introduces herself and asks the stranger who she is. Carter Cruise introduces herself as the babysitter Alina's mom hired to look after her. Alina can't believe her mother would hire a babysitter; she just turned 18! When Alina asks Carter if she's going to stay the whole weekend, Carter confirms her suspicions. Annoyed, Alina goes back to her room and calls her friends and cancels the party. Carter puts her purse down and walks into Alina's room and sits on her bed. Alina is really annoyed at the fact that she ruined her weekend and lets Carter have it. Carter tells her that she needs money for college and didn't mean to rain on her parade. Carter suggests they have a party of their own. Alina tells her she's not a lesbian and she's not into any of that stuff. Carter asks her if she thinks girls are pretty. Alina tells her that she does indeed but that doesn't mean she's into them. When Carter asks her if she's ever kissed one, Alina tells her she hasn't. Carter laughs, asking her that if she's never tried it then how could she possibly know if she likes it or not? When Carter tells Alina that she finds her pretty, Alina starts dropping her guard a little. When Carter starts kissing her neck, Alina finds herself liking it more than she thought she would!

4 years ago 18599 6:15
IMPREGNATING THE SITTER GRIEVING HUSBAND IMPREGNATES TEEN TO FULFILL LATE WIFE'S LAST WISH April (Alina Lopez), a teen babysitter, climbs the front steps of a residential home. For her, this is just another day. Another job and a few more dollars in her pocket, which she really needs. However, it looks like the man living in this home is well off because the place is HUGE! She knocks on the door and a pleasant man (Dick Chibbles) greets her. 'Mr. Perry?' April greets with a smile. 'Yes, that's me. You must be April, welcome!' Trent says. April beams, saying that she's pleased to meet him and that she can't wait to meet the boys. April moves into the living room with Trent, making some small talk where it's revealed that she's raising her younger brother. Her parents passed away, so it's all on her now. Trent is sympathetic, though he moves onto asking her questions that seem a little beyond small talk. What nationality is she, is she a gymnast, how's school going? April politely answers all the questions the best she can, even if she's uncomfortable. When it comes to school, she admits that she wants to go into fashion, though money's a bit tight since she didn't get a scholarship. Trent seems intrigued and says, well, there's no shame in working for it! April then asks where the kids are and he says they're in the playroom. He's just going to be gone for a few hours, so hopefully she won't have issues with them. When April asks when the wife will be home, though, Trent gets a bit dodgy. He simply says that she won't be coming home. She's at work and has a deadline, so... Anyway, is April ready to meet the kids? April smiles and says that she is and heads off down the hall where she's directed. As she does, Trent walks behind her with a longing gaze. 'One hell of a mother...' he says under his breath. TITLE PLATE CUT TO hours later, and April is tidying up the living room after having put the kids to bed. She picks up a few toys then moves to a table where there are crayons and a drawing. She sets the toys aside and smiles to herself. 'Aw, I wonder what they drew...?' she says to herself as she picks up the drawing. As soon as she gazes at it, her brows furrow with confusion. It's a picture with stick figures, very much a child's drawing. There's a man labeled 'Dad' and a woman next to him labeled 'Claire.' They are surrounded by three kids, the boys. They all look happy. There's another woman off to the far side labeled 'Mom.' She is smiling too but a dark crayon has scribbled her out. The picture has a disturbing vibe. 'What does this mean?' April murmurs to herself as she tries to make sense of the picture. She's a little unnerved, putting the paper back down on the table. Curious, she takes out her phone and does some research. She pulls up a search engine and searches Trent Perry's name. She quickly finds an obituary for his wife. She hears movement behind her and whirls around. Trent is looming in the doorway, looking menacing. April's startled, demanding to know what the hell is going on in this house? She points to the page on her phone with his wife's obituary -- why is he lying?! Trent looks devastated as grief washes over him, though he shakes it off. 'Listen, I can explain...' he starts, begging for her to just hear him out. April hurries to get out of there, but before she's out the door, Trent blurts, 'Have you ever had someone just DIE on you?' April pauses, painfully remembering her parents' deaths, and remains, letting him have a chance to explain himself. He begins to tell her a sad story about how he and his wife had been trying to have a baby for YEARS. Then one day, they finally got lucky, though the doctor told her not to take the baby to term. She did, anyway, but died during childbirth, giving Trent their firstborn son. Even though he loves his son, he wished he'd been given a daughter because that's what they've always wanted. April is wary, but moved by his plight, and says she's sorry for his loss. She was so confused by the picture... But who's Claire? Trent explains that Claire, the sweet young woman in that drawing, was a wet nurse for his son in that first year, someone he came to know very well in those dark days, and like April, she was someone with great maternal instincts. Desperate to rebuild his family, they made an arrangement in hopes of Claire giving him a daughter, but he got two other sons instead. And now? Claire is gone... When April asks where Claire is now, Trent dismisses the question. Instead, he says that he hopes that April can be the one to give him a daughter. April is freaked out, flat-out refusing him, though Trent quickly assures her that she doesn't need to be in LOVE with him! He's just asking her to be the vessel for his daughter. Listen, April needs to pay for college, right? He can take care of that for her! Her younger brother? Trent can make sure he gets into the best private school. Money isn't an issue for him, he just needs a womb. It's just 9 months of April's life. Plus, she'd be fulfilling his wife's last wish... April needs a few moments to think it over, conflicted. This is a lot to ask of someone, but she needs the money. She has to provide for her brother and she has big dreams for herself as well. Finally, she asks how much Trent can offer her, signaling that she's open to the deal. Trent is relieved as he approaches April and takes her by the arm, their eyes meeting. Without saying a word, although there is a mutual understanding, he slowly leads her upstairs.

IMPREGNATING THE SITTER GRIEVING HUSBAND IMPREGNATES TEEN TO FULFILL LATE WIFE'S LAST WISH April (Alina Lopez), a teen babysitter, climbs the front steps of a residential home. For her, this is just another day. Another job and a few more dollars in her pocket, which she really needs. However, it looks like the man living in this home is well off because the place is HUGE! She knocks on the door and a pleasant man (Dick Chibbles) greets her. 'Mr. Perry?' April greets with a smile. 'Yes, that's me. You must be April, welcome!' Trent says. April beams, saying that she's pleased to meet him and that she can't wait to meet the boys. April moves into the living room with Trent, making some small talk where it's revealed that she's raising her younger brother. Her parents passed away, so it's all on her now. Trent is sympathetic, though he moves onto asking her questions that seem a little beyond small talk. What nationality is she, is she a gymnast, how's school going? April politely answers all the questions the best she can, even if she's uncomfortable. When it comes to school, she admits that she wants to go into fashion, though money's a bit tight since she didn't get a scholarship. Trent seems intrigued and says, well, there's no shame in working for it! April then asks where the kids are and he says they're in the playroom. He's just going to be gone for a few hours, so hopefully she won't have issues with them. When April asks when the wife will be home, though, Trent gets a bit dodgy. He simply says that she won't be coming home. She's at work and has a deadline, so... Anyway, is April ready to meet the kids? April smiles and says that she is and heads off down the hall where she's directed. As she does, Trent walks behind her with a longing gaze. 'One hell of a mother...' he says under his breath. TITLE PLATE CUT TO hours later, and April is tidying up the living room after having put the kids to bed. She picks up a few toys then moves to a table where there are crayons and a drawing. She sets the toys aside and smiles to herself. 'Aw, I wonder what they drew...?' she says to herself as she picks up the drawing. As soon as she gazes at it, her brows furrow with confusion. It's a picture with stick figures, very much a child's drawing. There's a man labeled 'Dad' and a woman next to him labeled 'Claire.' They are surrounded by three kids, the boys. They all look happy. There's another woman off to the far side labeled 'Mom.' She is smiling too but a dark crayon has scribbled her out. The picture has a disturbing vibe. 'What does this mean?' April murmurs to herself as she tries to make sense of the picture. She's a little unnerved, putting the paper back down on the table. Curious, she takes out her phone and does some research. She pulls up a search engine and searches Trent Perry's name. She quickly finds an obituary for his wife. She hears movement behind her and whirls around. Trent is looming in the doorway, looking menacing. April's startled, demanding to know what the hell is going on in this house? She points to the page on her phone with his wife's obituary -- why is he lying?! Trent looks devastated as grief washes over him, though he shakes it off. 'Listen, I can explain...' he starts, begging for her to just hear him out. April hurries to get out of there, but before she's out the door, Trent blurts, 'Have you ever had someone just DIE on you?' April pauses, painfully remembering her parents' deaths, and remains, letting him have a chance to explain himself. He begins to tell her a sad story about how he and his wife had been trying to have a baby for YEARS. Then one day, they finally got lucky, though the doctor told her not to take the baby to term. She did, anyway, but died during childbirth, giving Trent their firstborn son. Even though he loves his son, he wished he'd been given a daughter because that's what they've always wanted. April is wary, but moved by his plight, and says she's sorry for his loss. She was so confused by the picture... But who's Claire? Trent explains that Claire, the sweet young woman in that drawing, was a wet nurse for his son in that first year, someone he came to know very well in those dark days, and like April, she was someone with great maternal instincts. Desperate to rebuild his family, they made an arrangement in hopes of Claire giving him a daughter, but he got two other sons instead. And now? Claire is gone... When April asks where Claire is now, Trent dismisses the question. Instead, he says that he hopes that April can be the one to give him a daughter. April is freaked out, flat-out refusing him, though Trent quickly assures her that she doesn't need to be in LOVE with him! He's just asking her to be the vessel for his daughter. Listen, April needs to pay for college, right? He can take care of that for her! Her younger brother? Trent can make sure he gets into the best private school. Money isn't an issue for him, he just needs a womb. It's just 9 months of April's life. Plus, she'd be fulfilling his wife's last wish... April needs a few moments to think it over, conflicted. This is a lot to ask of someone, but she needs the money. She has to provide for her brother and she has big dreams for herself as well. Finally, she asks how much Trent can offer her, signaling that she's open to the deal. Trent is relieved as he approaches April and takes her by the arm, their eyes meeting. Without saying a word, although there is a mutual understanding, he slowly leads her upstairs.

4 years ago 1710 6:14
Dana DeArmond is in her bedroom. From downstairs, her husband calls 'Bye honey!' and leaves. Bye darling!, she calls back sweetly, closing her bedroom door. 'FINALLY...I thought he'd never leave,' Dana says to herself excitedly, hopping up onto her bed and opening her laptop. 'First thing's first: incognito mode,' she says to herself, pressing a couple of keys. She presses a few more keys and logs on to She scrolls, licking her lips as she browses. She sees something that catches her eye. 'Ooh, a new model debut? Who's this?' she asks herself and clicks something. She looks for a moment, and something on the screen seems to shock her, her eyes widening. 'It can't be...' she says quietly to herself in disbelief, staring at a profile photo of Alina Lopez. Dana looks completely floored by what she's seeing. 'My 18 year-old STEPDAUGHTER! I thought we raised her better than THIS!' Dana gasps to herself. She shakes her head and closes her laptop halfway when something stops her. She looks at the laptop for a moment, intrigued. She slowly reopens the laptop fully. Hesitantly, she begins to watch the video, and before long, she can't resist masturbating, rubbing her pussy until she cums. Dana goes on the website's forum, where her daughter is doing a Q&A. Dana logs in anonymously and begins to take part. Unbeknownst to her, Alina is actually home. When Dana's answers make Alina suspicious, she puts two and two together and calls her mom into her room to confront her.Hi honey, she didn't know anyone was home..., Dana says, walking into Alina's room. 'What the hell Mom?! Way to make it obvious that it's you!' Alina says angrily. What is Alina talking about?, Dana asks, feigning innocence. Oh, don't give her that, she knows Dana is the one answering those questions, Alina says. Caught, Dana admits that yes, it was her. But she's not mad. In fact, she thought Alina was AMAZING. 'But... what are you even DOING on a lesbian site anyway?!' Alina asks. Does, or something?!, Alina asks. Well, kind of..., Dana says. What does 'kind of' mean, and what about...her father?, Alina asks. She married Alina's father a few years ago because she LOVES him, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't have other...desires, Dana says quietly. Alina guesses she can understand that, Alina says after a moment. But...she really thought she was good?, Alina asks nervously. 'Oh you were INCREDIBLE honey,' Dana says, smiling supportively. Some of those things she, Dana adds, licking her lips. Really?, Alina asks. Oh yeah, she's not sure where Alina learned all that stuff, but she's SO proud of her, Dana says adoringly. But if..if Alina EVER wants to practice for her future scenes...she'd be happy to help, Dana says seductively as she leans in and kisses Alina. They begin to makeout as Alina squeezes Dana's supple breasts, slipping her shirt off and tonguing her stepmom's perfect nipples.It's safe to say that neither one of them will ever forget Alina's online debut...Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, Storyguy!

Dana DeArmond is in her bedroom. From downstairs, her husband calls 'Bye honey!' and leaves. Bye darling!, she calls back sweetly, closing her bedroom door. 'FINALLY...I thought he'd never leave,' Dana says to herself excitedly, hopping up onto her bed and opening her laptop. 'First thing's first: incognito mode,' she says to herself, pressing a couple of keys. She presses a few more keys and logs on to She scrolls, licking her lips as she browses. She sees something that catches her eye. 'Ooh, a new model debut? Who's this?' she asks herself and clicks something. She looks for a moment, and something on the screen seems to shock her, her eyes widening. 'It can't be...' she says quietly to herself in disbelief, staring at a profile photo of Alina Lopez. Dana looks completely floored by what she's seeing. 'My 18 year-old STEPDAUGHTER! I thought we raised her better than THIS!' Dana gasps to herself. She shakes her head and closes her laptop halfway when something stops her. She looks at the laptop for a moment, intrigued. She slowly reopens the laptop fully. Hesitantly, she begins to watch the video, and before long, she can't resist masturbating, rubbing her pussy until she cums. Dana goes on the website's forum, where her daughter is doing a Q&A. Dana logs in anonymously and begins to take part. Unbeknownst to her, Alina is actually home. When Dana's answers make Alina suspicious, she puts two and two together and calls her mom into her room to confront her.Hi honey, she didn't know anyone was home..., Dana says, walking into Alina's room. 'What the hell Mom?! Way to make it obvious that it's you!' Alina says angrily. What is Alina talking about?, Dana asks, feigning innocence. Oh, don't give her that, she knows Dana is the one answering those questions, Alina says. Caught, Dana admits that yes, it was her. But she's not mad. In fact, she thought Alina was AMAZING. 'But... what are you even DOING on a lesbian site anyway?!' Alina asks. Does, or something?!, Alina asks. Well, kind of..., Dana says. What does 'kind of' mean, and what about...her father?, Alina asks. She married Alina's father a few years ago because she LOVES him, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't have other...desires, Dana says quietly. Alina guesses she can understand that, Alina says after a moment. But...she really thought she was good?, Alina asks nervously. 'Oh you were INCREDIBLE honey,' Dana says, smiling supportively. Some of those things she, Dana adds, licking her lips. Really?, Alina asks. Oh yeah, she's not sure where Alina learned all that stuff, but she's SO proud of her, Dana says adoringly. But if..if Alina EVER wants to practice for her future scenes...she'd be happy to help, Dana says seductively as she leans in and kisses Alina. They begin to makeout as Alina squeezes Dana's supple breasts, slipping her shirt off and tonguing her stepmom's perfect nipples.It's safe to say that neither one of them will ever forget Alina's online debut...Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, Storyguy!

4 years ago 7270 6:14
'Time is the longest distance between two places.' \u2015 Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD Desperate Man Uses Time-Freezing Tech To Have Sex With Crush SCENE OPENS on Ted (Justin Hunt), who is in his room, preparing for a dinner party for his friend Gabi's birthday. There is the sound of a Newton's Cradle which we see clacking in the foreground on his desk. We can also hear the faint sounds of a cityscape through his bedroom window. Ted is nervous and adjusting his clothes. He is rehearsing in front of the mirror, trying to come up with a way to express his love for his best friend Gabi and to convince her to break up with her longtime boyfriend Drake. He retrieves a pocket watch that he got for Gabi's birthday. He thinks it's broken and manhandles it, accidentally uncovering a secret compartment that emits a strange effect as it opens. The distortion effect ripples out across the screen like a shockwave. Sound and movement slow to a stop for everyone but Ted. Ted is confused, looks around the room, sees that his clock is no longer moving. He remarks that it's weird the clock stopped. He feels something is amiss and sees that the Newton's Cradle has stopped in mid swing. He can't believe what he's seeing, and pulls back a bit in fear. Ted leans in to peer and scrutinize the Newton's Cradle with shock and curiosity. Ted looks in wonder and cautiously reaches a hand out. He touches the Cradle. At his touch, the balls instantly start to swing again, the clacking sound whooshing back. Ted stares for a moment at the moving Cradle, then something catches his attention out the window. He goes to look out the window. 'What...the...hell? Everything's just...STOPPED. The birds...the people. Nothing's...MOVING. Th-that's IMPOSSIBLE. It's like time is just...FROZEN,' Ted says in stunned disbelief. Ted looks down at his hand, only now noticing he still is idly holding the open watch in his hand. It starts to dawn on him that the watch did this. He looks out at the frozen city in awe, gazing back and forth between the city and the watch a few times. He seems to get an idea. As he stares out the window, he snaps the clock closed. Instantaneously, the sounds of the cityscape whoosh back in and the clock hand begins moving again. Everything has become unfrozen. Ted stares, stunned into silence, for several seconds. 'Gabi...' he finally whispers. CUT TO TITLE CUT TO another day. Gabi's birthday dinner party is in full swing. Gabi (Alina Lopez) sits beside Drake (Nathan Bronson) at the dinner table. Ted sits across from Gabi. Their mutual friends Pat and Leslie sit around them, and everybody but Ted are clearly enjoying themselves, engaged in light and lively conversation, laughing and joking. Ted seems withdrawn and distracted, spaced-out. He isn't talking to anyone, and instead keeps pulling the watch in and out of his pocket and looking at it under the table. As the other guests are busy, Gabi notices Ted's distraction. She touches his hand and asks what's wrong. Ted snaps out of his distraction, seemingly reminded of his strong feelings for Gabi. Ted is about to profess his love for Gabi when he is interrupted by Drake getting on bended knee in front of Gabi. He proposes and Gabi says yes as Ted panics. Ted's panic boils over and he makes a snap decision, activating the watch to freeze time. Sound and movement slow to a stop for everyone but Ted. Gabi's words cut off as she freezes, hand out. Ted gets up slowly from his chair and paces the room, slowly walking and examining the guests. He seems bitter and disgusted at their happy expressions. He looks at Gabi first, then over to Drake with jealousy, then enters the kitchen briefly to circle Pat and Leslie making sure they're frozen - waving his hand in front of their faces and snapping his fingers in front of their eyes. Ted takes a deep breath, exhaling heavily as he calms down, glancing at the pocket watch and considering what to do. Ted resumes his spot at the dining room table, sighing. He looks back at Gabi, Drake beside her, her hand held out to Ted showing off the ring. His expression turns possessive as he gazes at her. He readies himself and reaches out to touch her outstretched hand. Gabi unfreezes and immediately panics when she discovers everyone else is frozen except her and Ted. She tries to wake Drake up but can't. Ted explains that the pocket watch can stop time. Ted finally professes his love for Gabi, thinking she will reciprocate, but she doesn't. He reveals that he stopped time so that they could be together forever. Gabi is freaked out. Ted feels betrayed and hurt that she doesn't share his feelings. He threatens to smash the watch unless she fucks him. Gabi, full of resentment, agrees to have sex - 'You aren't the person I thought you were, Ted... I'll have sex with you, but I could NEVER love you after this.' Ted tells her that she'll see, she'll change her mind. She tries to lead him to the bedroom. Ted says that he wants them to do it in front of Drake so he can prove to Gabi he's a better lover than Drake. Gabi is appalled but reluctantly agrees. Ted's going to take his time with Gabi. They DO have all the time in the world, after all.

'Time is the longest distance between two places.' \u2015 Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD Desperate Man Uses Time-Freezing Tech To Have Sex With Crush SCENE OPENS on Ted (Justin Hunt), who is in his room, preparing for a dinner party for his friend Gabi's birthday. There is the sound of a Newton's Cradle which we see clacking in the foreground on his desk. We can also hear the faint sounds of a cityscape through his bedroom window. Ted is nervous and adjusting his clothes. He is rehearsing in front of the mirror, trying to come up with a way to express his love for his best friend Gabi and to convince her to break up with her longtime boyfriend Drake. He retrieves a pocket watch that he got for Gabi's birthday. He thinks it's broken and manhandles it, accidentally uncovering a secret compartment that emits a strange effect as it opens. The distortion effect ripples out across the screen like a shockwave. Sound and movement slow to a stop for everyone but Ted. Ted is confused, looks around the room, sees that his clock is no longer moving. He remarks that it's weird the clock stopped. He feels something is amiss and sees that the Newton's Cradle has stopped in mid swing. He can't believe what he's seeing, and pulls back a bit in fear. Ted leans in to peer and scrutinize the Newton's Cradle with shock and curiosity. Ted looks in wonder and cautiously reaches a hand out. He touches the Cradle. At his touch, the balls instantly start to swing again, the clacking sound whooshing back. Ted stares for a moment at the moving Cradle, then something catches his attention out the window. He goes to look out the window. 'What...the...hell? Everything's just...STOPPED. The birds...the people. Nothing's...MOVING. Th-that's IMPOSSIBLE. It's like time is just...FROZEN,' Ted says in stunned disbelief. Ted looks down at his hand, only now noticing he still is idly holding the open watch in his hand. It starts to dawn on him that the watch did this. He looks out at the frozen city in awe, gazing back and forth between the city and the watch a few times. He seems to get an idea. As he stares out the window, he snaps the clock closed. Instantaneously, the sounds of the cityscape whoosh back in and the clock hand begins moving again. Everything has become unfrozen. Ted stares, stunned into silence, for several seconds. 'Gabi...' he finally whispers. CUT TO TITLE CUT TO another day. Gabi's birthday dinner party is in full swing. Gabi (Alina Lopez) sits beside Drake (Nathan Bronson) at the dinner table. Ted sits across from Gabi. Their mutual friends Pat and Leslie sit around them, and everybody but Ted are clearly enjoying themselves, engaged in light and lively conversation, laughing and joking. Ted seems withdrawn and distracted, spaced-out. He isn't talking to anyone, and instead keeps pulling the watch in and out of his pocket and looking at it under the table. As the other guests are busy, Gabi notices Ted's distraction. She touches his hand and asks what's wrong. Ted snaps out of his distraction, seemingly reminded of his strong feelings for Gabi. Ted is about to profess his love for Gabi when he is interrupted by Drake getting on bended knee in front of Gabi. He proposes and Gabi says yes as Ted panics. Ted's panic boils over and he makes a snap decision, activating the watch to freeze time. Sound and movement slow to a stop for everyone but Ted. Gabi's words cut off as she freezes, hand out. Ted gets up slowly from his chair and paces the room, slowly walking and examining the guests. He seems bitter and disgusted at their happy expressions. He looks at Gabi first, then over to Drake with jealousy, then enters the kitchen briefly to circle Pat and Leslie making sure they're frozen - waving his hand in front of their faces and snapping his fingers in front of their eyes. Ted takes a deep breath, exhaling heavily as he calms down, glancing at the pocket watch and considering what to do. Ted resumes his spot at the dining room table, sighing. He looks back at Gabi, Drake beside her, her hand held out to Ted showing off the ring. His expression turns possessive as he gazes at her. He readies himself and reaches out to touch her outstretched hand. Gabi unfreezes and immediately panics when she discovers everyone else is frozen except her and Ted. She tries to wake Drake up but can't. Ted explains that the pocket watch can stop time. Ted finally professes his love for Gabi, thinking she will reciprocate, but she doesn't. He reveals that he stopped time so that they could be together forever. Gabi is freaked out. Ted feels betrayed and hurt that she doesn't share his feelings. He threatens to smash the watch unless she fucks him. Gabi, full of resentment, agrees to have sex - 'You aren't the person I thought you were, Ted... I'll have sex with you, but I could NEVER love you after this.' Ted tells her that she'll see, she'll change her mind. She tries to lead him to the bedroom. Ted says that he wants them to do it in front of Drake so he can prove to Gabi he's a better lover than Drake. Gabi is appalled but reluctantly agrees. Ted's going to take his time with Gabi. They DO have all the time in the world, after all.

4 years ago 3810 6:14
Nominated - Best Cinematography, AVN 2020<br>Nominated - Best Director - Dramatic Production: Bree Mills, AVN 2020<br>Nominated - Best Drama, AVN 2020<br>Nominated - Best Leading Actor: Seth Gamble, AVN 2020<br>Nominated - Best Leading Actress: Angela White, AVN 2020<br>Nominated - Best Editing, AVN 2020<br>Nominated - Best Dramatic Screenplay: Bree Mills, AVN 2020<br>Nominated - Best Group Sex Scene, AVN 2020<br>Nominated - Feature Movie Of The Year, XBIZ 2020<br>Nominated - Best Actress -- Feature Movie: Angela White, XBIZ 2020<br>Nominated - Best Actor -- Feature Movie: Seth Gamble, XBIZ 2020<br>Nominated - Best Supporting Actress: Abigail Mac, XBIZ 2020<br>Nominated - Best Supporting Actor: Michael Vegas, XBIZ 2020<br>Nominated - Best Screenplay, XBIZ 2020<br>Nominated - Best Cinematography, XBIZ 2020<br>Nominated - Best Editing, XBIZ 2020<br>A week has passed. By now, Daniel (Seth Gamble) has read everything. Every email, every text, every social media platform. He had to understand the extent of what had been happening under his nose. Every time his wife, Jennifer (Angela White), speaks to him, all he can think about is what she is really doing. Her lies. He is obsessed. She seems to be aware that something is wrong. She's being extra friendly. How could she betray him like this? He decides he needs to get out of the house for a while to think about things. He leaves abruptly.Daniel goes to a bar to drown his sorrows. While there, a younger woman named Nicole (Alina Lopez) introduces herself. She's obviously flirting. Maybe even a little obnoxious. This irritates Daniel, who wants to be alone, but it also gets him thinking: What if Jennifer felt even an ounce of what he was feeling? If he cheated on her ... would she even care? Feeling distraught and desperate, he asks the woman if she lives nearby. They could go there. She eagerly agrees. He gives his credit card to the bartender.At Nicole's apartment, they begin to have sex. Everything is playful at first, until Daniel's conscious begins to creep in. When he looks down at Nicole's face, he imagines Jennifer there instead. She coaxes him and berates him for cheating, which makes him vengeful. He starts to get more aggressive, channeling his anger into the sex. Nicole enjoys it to an extent but things start to slip after Daniel cums. He stares down at the woman underneath him and all he can imagine is his wife taunting him. He cannot take it and strikes her hard across the face. Reality snaps back. Nicole is stunned and scared, she backs away from him and orders him to leave. Feeling an immediate wave of guilt, he apologies for being too rough but it's too late .. she kicks him out anyway.He drives down a lonely stretch of road, crying, until he cannot take it anymore. He pulls off the road and gets out to throw up. How could his wife have done this to him? Wiping his mouth, he gets back into his car and drives home.The next morning. Jennifer makes breakfast while he sits staring at her. He can see right through her now ... he knows that she cannot wait till he leaves the room. She keeps eyeing her phone. It buzzes. It must be him. The stranger. He can barely keep from exploding as images of their affair flash in his mind.The phone buzzes again. He pours his hot coffee down his shirt ... he needed to do something to distract her. Seeming anxious, Jennifer rushes to her husband's side to help him clean up. She tells him to take his shirt off while she fetches some detergent and rushes out of the room. Alone, he darts for the phone and scans the message. They're setting up a date RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE! He is disgusted. There is an address. He scribbles it down quickly before she comes back in the room. She's brought him a clean shirt. I'm late for work, he says, and exits. She seems relieved he is gone. That night, he takes a taxi to the address, silently stewing in the backseat. She had told him she was going out to a movie with girlfriends. Laughable. He arrives at an upscale estate and walks around till he finds a door. A man (Derrick Pierce), dressed in a three piece suit, is waiting inside. Are you a returning member? He asks. Thinking quickly, Daniel says he is new. First time. He's a guest. A referral. Who? Daniel pauses before muttering his wife's name. The man stops. He gives Daniel a hard stare before allowing him to pass.Daniel wanders through the lavish house, past clusters of people and closed doors with raunchy activities happening inside. He comes upon a crowded room. Inside, he sees his wife, naked and submissive, in the middle of a group of people. Naked men and women. All entangled, devouring her as she begs for more and more of their attention. A man (Michael Vegas) and his wife (Abigail Mac) are there, clearly the hosts of the party. They encourage Jennifer as Daniel watches in horror. Finally, when Daniel can't take it anymore, he storms off. Later that night. The estate is quiet and the guests have all left. The male host leaves the front door and walks to his car, his keys jingling. Daniel watches him from the bushes. Smug little pervert. Disgusting piece of shit. He storms the man and pins him against the car. How do you know my wife? What were you doing to her? Are you trying to make a fool out of me?The host is a pathetic wimp. He begs and pleads for his safety. He doesn't know who he is talking about. Jennifer, Daniel repeats. My wife! Where did she go? Is she with him now? How could you have fucked her right in front of me? The man looks terrified. What a coward. He tries to make excuses. He doesn't know any man. He doesn't know what he is talking about. Only after Daniel threatens real violence does the man break down and confess. He'll give the address to where she is staying. Daniel drops him long enough for the man to scribble an address before punching the asshole for fucking his wife and leaving the scene. The man sits up whimpering, as he rubs his eye and watches the angry husband stalk away.

Nominated - Best Cinematography, AVN 2020
Nominated - Best Director - Dramatic Production: Bree Mills, AVN 2020
Nominated - Best Drama, AVN 2020
Nominated - Best Leading Actor: Seth Gamble, AVN 2020
Nominated - Best Leading Actress: Angela White, AVN 2020
Nominated - Best Editing, AVN 2020
Nominated - Best Dramatic Screenplay: Bree Mills, AVN 2020
Nominated - Best Group Sex Scene, AVN 2020
Nominated - Feature Movie Of The Year, XBIZ 2020
Nominated - Best Actress -- Feature Movie: Angela White, XBIZ 2020
Nominated - Best Actor -- Feature Movie: Seth Gamble, XBIZ 2020
Nominated - Best Supporting Actress: Abigail Mac, XBIZ 2020
Nominated - Best Supporting Actor: Michael Vegas, XBIZ 2020
Nominated - Best Screenplay, XBIZ 2020
Nominated - Best Cinematography, XBIZ 2020
Nominated - Best Editing, XBIZ 2020
A week has passed. By now, Daniel (Seth Gamble) has read everything. Every email, every text, every social media platform. He had to understand the extent of what had been happening under his nose. Every time his wife, Jennifer (Angela White), speaks to him, all he can think about is what she is really doing. Her lies. He is obsessed. She seems to be aware that something is wrong. She's being extra friendly. How could she betray him like this? He decides he needs to get out of the house for a while to think about things. He leaves abruptly.Daniel goes to a bar to drown his sorrows. While there, a younger woman named Nicole (Alina Lopez) introduces herself. She's obviously flirting. Maybe even a little obnoxious. This irritates Daniel, who wants to be alone, but it also gets him thinking: What if Jennifer felt even an ounce of what he was feeling? If he cheated on her ... would she even care? Feeling distraught and desperate, he asks the woman if she lives nearby. They could go there. She eagerly agrees. He gives his credit card to the bartender.At Nicole's apartment, they begin to have sex. Everything is playful at first, until Daniel's conscious begins to creep in. When he looks down at Nicole's face, he imagines Jennifer there instead. She coaxes him and berates him for cheating, which makes him vengeful. He starts to get more aggressive, channeling his anger into the sex. Nicole enjoys it to an extent but things start to slip after Daniel cums. He stares down at the woman underneath him and all he can imagine is his wife taunting him. He cannot take it and strikes her hard across the face. Reality snaps back. Nicole is stunned and scared, she backs away from him and orders him to leave. Feeling an immediate wave of guilt, he apologies for being too rough but it's too late .. she kicks him out anyway.He drives down a lonely stretch of road, crying, until he cannot take it anymore. He pulls off the road and gets out to throw up. How could his wife have done this to him? Wiping his mouth, he gets back into his car and drives home.The next morning. Jennifer makes breakfast while he sits staring at her. He can see right through her now ... he knows that she cannot wait till he leaves the room. She keeps eyeing her phone. It buzzes. It must be him. The stranger. He can barely keep from exploding as images of their affair flash in his mind.The phone buzzes again. He pours his hot coffee down his shirt ... he needed to do something to distract her. Seeming anxious, Jennifer rushes to her husband's side to help him clean up. She tells him to take his shirt off while she fetches some detergent and rushes out of the room. Alone, he darts for the phone and scans the message. They're setting up a date RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE! He is disgusted. There is an address. He scribbles it down quickly before she comes back in the room. She's brought him a clean shirt. I'm late for work, he says, and exits. She seems relieved he is gone. That night, he takes a taxi to the address, silently stewing in the backseat. She had told him she was going out to a movie with girlfriends. Laughable. He arrives at an upscale estate and walks around till he finds a door. A man (Derrick Pierce), dressed in a three piece suit, is waiting inside. Are you a returning member? He asks. Thinking quickly, Daniel says he is new. First time. He's a guest. A referral. Who? Daniel pauses before muttering his wife's name. The man stops. He gives Daniel a hard stare before allowing him to pass.Daniel wanders through the lavish house, past clusters of people and closed doors with raunchy activities happening inside. He comes upon a crowded room. Inside, he sees his wife, naked and submissive, in the middle of a group of people. Naked men and women. All entangled, devouring her as she begs for more and more of their attention. A man (Michael Vegas) and his wife (Abigail Mac) are there, clearly the hosts of the party. They encourage Jennifer as Daniel watches in horror. Finally, when Daniel can't take it anymore, he storms off. Later that night. The estate is quiet and the guests have all left. The male host leaves the front door and walks to his car, his keys jingling. Daniel watches him from the bushes. Smug little pervert. Disgusting piece of shit. He storms the man and pins him against the car. How do you know my wife? What were you doing to her? Are you trying to make a fool out of me?The host is a pathetic wimp. He begs and pleads for his safety. He doesn't know who he is talking about. Jennifer, Daniel repeats. My wife! Where did she go? Is she with him now? How could you have fucked her right in front of me? The man looks terrified. What a coward. He tries to make excuses. He doesn't know any man. He doesn't know what he is talking about. Only after Daniel threatens real violence does the man break down and confess. He'll give the address to where she is staying. Daniel drops him long enough for the man to scribble an address before punching the asshole for fucking his wife and leaving the scene. The man sits up whimpering, as he rubs his eye and watches the angry husband stalk away.

4 years ago 14855 6:14